In green you have the teronni.
In red you have the teronni of the North.
In green you have the teronni.
In red you have the teronni of the North.
if you like the north "people" you're mentally ill
Trentino is based
Red should be only V*neto, you ignorant moron
Ethnic north italians have broad diamond heads terrone have tube heads
It's terroni not teronni.
And Abruzzo should be green
mangia la merda
Souf italians are the real italians
Real Italians are the Etruscan Toscans.
I am ligurian
Please exclude my region in the picture, we're no italians therefore we can't be any of those categories
Una immagine da veneti dopo una lunga e faticosa serata in osteria
Alto Adige is Italian
i also like Tarantino
You wish
if you're a french national of italian origin you need to move back
My family came from terroni land :)
Population of Savoy would drop to zero. Except for the arabs
Bad idea
>Napoléon tu dois rentrer chez-toi!
Terrone diocan