Man or animal?
Man or animal?
Other urls found in this thread:
Pole cat
Poles are based
That's a weasel
T. urk roach
More human than anybody of your family
Don't make fun of Poland, look at all this P R O G R E S S, immigrants will begin flooding in in a couple of years.
Weasels are Pole cats. :
Better care about your bankrupt brown shithole macaco
I'm pretty sure OP is Russian diaspora
Pole cat. Because first part of word is like member of Polish nation. Amerimutt humor at its finest
*ferrets are pole cats
Poland itself is a bigger joke than any sort of animal comparison.
Since when they are Russians in Switzerland? He may be a Serb or other yugo subhuman more probably
Said by fucking Amerimutt.
It just can't be real
Poles are ok
Both are Pole cats. Weasels and ferrets both belong to the Mustela genus.
America sucks because of Polish like people immigrating here.
We have one in our general he is also suspected to be russian janni.
there are a few
after spending too much time here you recognize some posters
Huh, just realized it's used for the whole subfamily.
there is one in rus general, he's even more retarded than other russians
>they haven't heard of apteczka
fucking newfags
I thought this was a polecat
Is that like a normal family but Polish?
Poles are a step above subhuman balkanoids, so something between human and animal.
A manimal then
Interesting that he is not bullied into oblivion after all this shitstorms
Ultra-based, I 100% agree with you, but poles are still criminals and thieves. Sorry
He's far too powerful desu
I'm actually Poolish, that's why I'm asking.
sure thing Iгop