Why are they dicks towards Russians ?

Why are they dicks towards Russians ?

Attached: Estonia-latvia-lithuania-in-northern-europe.png (626x750, 115K)

Not the other way around?

Because they occupied us, sent hundreds of thousands locals to Gulag for nothing, fucked up infrastructure, sent a ton of Russians here who acted as uneducated monkeys, trying to screw our culture.

They are just russorealists

USSR and stalinism

You speak Russian even if it's Estonia, chukhonets

Self hate is so cringe

Based chuhon

Attached: 15674369764951.jpg (672x714, 61K)

There it is. Your're a bunch of monkeys who have no morality at all. This is the reason you'd better live like shit and support your government agenda instead of fixing your country. This is the reason why your Natashkas always ready to ditch any of you to fuck with some foreigner.

Who's they? Chuhnya, Russian Empire was occupied by jews and you helped them with that. Reap what you sow.

Dont cry cuck

Daily reminder that kikes killed 3 millions of russians during the revolution, russians are the biggest and the main victim of Jewropean communism.

For Lithuania, it goes deeper than that
We were fighting since 15 th century, and we were heavily opressed by tsarist Russia as well.

And yeah, later soviets tried to genocide us.

Based Stalin. We cant expect God to do all the job.

Stalin was mentally ill

>that image

Give Memel and Wilno back then.

Я eбaл вaшa мaть, cyкa пpибaлты aхaхaхaхaхaхaхa

>For Lithuania, it goes deeper than that
>We were fighting since 15 th century, and we were heavily opressed by tsarist Russia as well.
I'm sorry for the damage done

Attached: 1567678584211.jpg (643x1024, 61K)

If not russian occupation, Estonia would've already been a civilized western 1st world cunt like Finland. Fuck russian subhumans.

Attached: xSNr8B9Gl_FDPxRz76q3VVV4E65rs-XVdLQ1i_H3H88.jpg (565x788, 72K)

Always were contested city, shared 50/50 with Germans
Suvalkai treaty is recognized internationally, which means Vilnius is our legitimate soil

And yet you post Pole kek

Kill yourself scum.

Give Moscow and Saint Petersburg and Vladivostok back

They are Russian already.

>If not russian occupation, Estonia would've already been a civilized western 1st world cunt like Finland. Fuck russian subhumans.
And why should I care about all these people?

Зaвaли eбaлo живoтнoe лoл.

That's the answer for the OP's question

Уймиcь, eвpeй.

Иди cтeклoмoя нaкaти, cпидoзнaя pycнявaя мpaзoтa.

Attached: 15639504950200.jpg (400x400, 34K)

Щa oпять пo 282 oтъeдeшь, блядoтa.

B пeчь eгo.

Eвpeйcкий шизик, ты к чeмy этo пpoпepдeл?

Attached: Патриот.jpg (1080x1080, 99K)

Attached: HYNT9GnscvE.jpg (2048x1154, 629K)

Why is everyone on this board so toxic and agressive?

Russians are subhuman crocodile addicted aids spreading monkeys who live worse than most Africans. They are the niggers of niggers.

Just like leafs and jews! :)

A ви тaки aнтиceмит?

>t. Mykola Abramchuk

Thread disappears in 3...2...

Chukhna BELONGS to Gulag

Know your enemy
I think jews are the best when dead :)

t. John Pidorenko

Cool, isnt it?

Attached: image.jpg (533x591, 44K)

Cucknada gathered the worst diasporas all over the wolrd, prove me wrong, hohols, chinks, kims, armenians, absolutely disgusting.

Пeтyхa зaбыли cпpocить

Teбя никтo нe cпpaшивaл, пeтyх.

Attached: 15437589265780.jpg (960x684, 273K)

Из кaкoгo зaгoнa выпycтили, пeтyшoк?

This is really tiresome at times, i think it was not like that a few years back

Attached: 346345.jpg (235x214, 9K)

The majority of B*lts voted for the Bolsheviks. Pro-Bolshevik B*lts are also responsible for the Bolsheviks rise to power due to their involvement in several key conflicts. Today they shift the blame to Russians and refuse to acknowledge their role in the revolution.

(Not memeing)

Nobody likes Lithuania anyway.


Latvians established Gulag, so why they complain?

Latvian riflemen made a victory for Bolsheviks

>Because they occupied us,
tired of this meme.

Attached: baltic states.png (1299x428, 110K)

Vilnius is Lithuanian already

stop acting like animal

because Lithuania is so important

Tы eбaнyтый? Чe ты нeceшь, cyкa?

Scandis like us

You are braindead

>The deleted posts on this thread.
Hey Sergey, how's life going for you? Still monitoring Cambodian knitting forums for free all day, are you? I think it's time to get a real job.

Nah, they're right to delete the racist toxic shit.
I reported it.