My teacher told me never trust a scientific paper from China unless it has atleast one foreign name in it.
My teacher told me never trust a scientific paper from China unless it has atleast one foreign name in it
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the chinese lie about everything and manipulate data 24/7
Because hes a cringe beta cuck soyboy kimchi that likes to lick wh*te cock.
you will find more nonsense and outright lies in your average western social science (including eCONomics) department than in china
How would you even be able to distinguish between Chinese and Korean names.
Do u trust jap science?
if i was chinese i would change my name to stan lee. does that sound credible?
Chinese papers are just western papers with different font and headings and a different author
Wise words. Though I'd avoid anything with a Chinese name on it just to be safe.
Why? Because they "discriminate" against proponents of queer theory?
>search european medical articles about a subject I'm studying
>10-15 co-authors for every small 3-4 pages article
Every time, it's like they have no decency or self-shame.
i would never even hire someone with a chinese name from china (US citizens are usually fine) because of all the shitty espionage they do, greedy corporations dont seem to care though
He's not wrong. Always take Chinese paper with a grain of salt and stay skeptical unless you're convinced it's good. Chinks churn out papers like there's no tomorrow because of the papers mill fed by power index that is contemporary research. Don't get me wrong many are good, if not excellent, but there's a lot of shit to filter too.
academia is so fucking gay and self-serving
They don't. Our president published with one of his thesis judges before publishing his thesis and then included the results in the thesis (for which he got cum laude). He also plagiarized a bunch.
anyone with a brain could have realized this kek, trannies are just hoping on the fad and shit like discord trannies and twitter trannies are converting people too
It's a major cope.
Your teacher is based.
Our president of the senate also plagiarized.
Not to mention that, even in 2019, the problem of plagiarism in China is still VERY widespread. Even patents in China are still a fucking joke, with plenty of them just taking already-published IP from the West and translating it into Chinese, which they do because they know full well that they can get away with it and will never get in any real trouble with it (except if they happen to be employed in a western uni, in which case they might get in some trouble there).
Of course, why not? Japan is one of the top-notch area for reliable scientific researches.
be grateful he cares about you.
He is a smart man
Speaking of which one of the people he plagiarized was Byung-Chul Han, maybe OP knows him.
Well I would hire someone with a chinese name from china precisely because of all the espionage they do, anything that benefits the Communist Part of China also benefits humanity
Do Koreans really hate the Chinese?
just go back to china then
Korean names are Hangul and Chinese names are Mandarin.
they even hate koreans from china.
Why though, I can understand Koreans hating Japan, but why China?
Most Korean people have a family name and a personal name written in hanja (which is the same as Traditional Chinese characters). If you saw it printed in Chinese, you'd not be able to it apart from Chinese names (unless you knew about Korea-specific naming conventions).
>being china's bitch for millenniums
>being japan's bitch for 50 years
>being america's bitch ever since
they are poles of east asia barking at their former owners.
The amount of plagiarism in Chinese papers is almost comical
I know about 2 from my own
this is literally true for every single countries who does research my dude
Chinese just like Indians will never be real human beings.
try plagiarizing in the west and see what happens to you my dude, people literally lose all credibility and their jobs for it here. their careers dive faster than japanese kamikaze pilots
did he study stem? no? then what the fuck do papers matter
Economics is considered STEM by some definitions.
economics isn't even considered a science by economics professors
Before Bolonia the nomenclature was literally "Economic Sciences".
and the official names of north korea and kongo is the peoples democratic republic of north korea/kongo.
names aren't necessarily the best defining factor there is
Trust impact factor, not authors
Thank you Korean scientist