Ur cunt

>ur cunt
>have u been cursed with a hook shaped nose

fuck the Semitic curse

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>tfw 100% aryan blood but NIGGER nose

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>tfw chinese
>tfw unibrow
>tfw hook nose

kill me.

>jews have semitic crooked nose
>jews speak semitic language
>(((somehow))) anti-semitism refers to jews only and not ayyrabs as well
Isn't Ethiopian language semitics language as well?

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even asians and blacks have better noses than us (unless their noses were pig-tier flat noses). It's all so tragic really

>tfw wh*Toid med with nigger nose

el goblino de las europas

proofs or you're larping
you can't be ethnically chinese and have a unibrow or hook nose
chinese people have no hair and they have flat noses

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>tfw noselet

Attached: noselet.jpg (82x96, 3K)

>ethnically chinese
that's a meme, most of us are mutts.

>tfw regularly told my nose is my best feature

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It could be worse

I got really bad Diarrhea today. On the toilet for the 10th time today

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What do you þink? Does he have a big nose?

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That's a gigaschnozz if I've ever seen one.

Yeah, if ðere is a group of people who are wrongly referred to as "Semetic", it is ðe Jews.

>I got really bad Diarrhea today. On the toilet for the 10th time today
tell me about it

jeez at least my nose is just hook shaped and not full on fat nose. This guy has broad fat nose and his ears are huge too.

Hook nose is not semitic curse, all mediterraneans (French, Italians) have it

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actually white people (even meds) tend to have small noses. It is arabs that have hook shaped noses. But east asians don't know it. And they make caricatures of whites having huge noses, thinking they were racists against white, but in reality they just end up being racist against us.

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>leb parents
>semitic features
>actually looks good

I really like the way I look.

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Why scandis have piggy noses?

>actually white people (even meds) tend to have small noses

This is a Danish man

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they are albino niggers


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no i have regular white nose

Flag, and no. I have the Latin meatball nose.

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I am cursed with a semitic nose too. It looks exactly like that wojak.

go back to iraq


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Sweden, ladies and gentlemen

I got the straightest nose here yet I'm not the straightest in something else

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You're homosexual?


not hooked,but bumpy and big


my nose is big, it gives me peak oxygen intake

No thank GOD
I don’t want to look like a witch/Muslim

surprisingly, not
>Isn't Ethiopian language semitics language as well?

Attached: semiticlang.png (1200x1546, 392K)

you would've looked good if your neck wasn't so skinny desu

wtf I thought danes had pig noses

what is that like? pig nose like the white niggers at the top?

fat noses are tragic. Thank god my nose is just shaped like a hook without actaully being meaty like that. No offense you seem like a handsome dude desu (except for your chin and jaw).

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i was sure i replied
anyway see

>like a witch/Muslim

Because oxygen is free?

Yes I carry the weapon of a Bedouin warrior aka the Desert bvll nose

Okay Ariel

t. محمد from Sweden

>that nose

having a bump at the top of your nose is peak aesthetics. Lucky you

this is actually why people from hot dry climates are likely to have bigger noses while people from cold climates tend to have small ones. It's all about breathing.

>tfw there were never native scripts discovered here before the arab dominance era
>tfw we can never know for sure wither a central semitic language or a southern semitic language was spoken here in the ancient times
damn it. it's probably south semitic given that both Oman and Najd spoke south semitic languages.

trips confirm you're the amerigoblina retard

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we have just as much of a Semitic nose as you but we are also darker and have a terrible accent and smell

fucking based

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Thank you for proving how there's nothing wrong with it

I don't know man from my experience Indians tend to have meaty small noses. And it seems Bengalis have flatter noses and most of the time they are also darker than indians.

>trips confirm you're the amerigoblina retard
But it's a 7 trip.
7 is for o7 which means he's not thanking them for their service

>I got the straightest nose here yet I'm not the straightest in something else
wut, since when do greeks have hook noses, ive been there all my life on vacation and didnt see them

I don't want to say there is something wrong with it. But it is just the first time that I see a nose that barely goes down in an angle. Your nose isn't just "very straight", it's also very "steep" one.

I don't have it even though I'm an Arab.


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yeah but many of us are unlucky
what's your nose like? negro nose?

I think my jaw would be okay if my nose was smaller. It's so big it makes my mouth and jaw look small

Underage b&

Cute tatar twink

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Hook nose masterrace

Roman I think

built to be sodomized

that's probably true

we're not master race. We have the most subhuman nose there is

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Chad. Ironic because that's borderline hook shaped nose

Yeah nah grouse beak ya got mate

my great hooked nose sends shivers in kufar hearts all around the world

Who that

curly hair and a big nose
no way he could have semitic ancestors nope


Do you guys have tube heads

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A pig nose is just as bad if not worse in that it ruins the whole rest of your appearance, a large nose can be disregarded if the remainder features are decent while a small stubby one makes you look much younger as well as cosmetic surgical reduction being a much easier process than nose enlargenment, I am acquainted with someone who had his nose broken just so that it would look narrower and sharper

Is it the same as caricature Jewish nose?

No. Only Gaeloids have hooked noses here. Lowlanders are good so their noses are not hooked.

>I am acquainted with someone who had his nose broken just so that it would look narrower and sharper
not gonna lie this is metal illness
just kys if you're too poor for rhinoplasty

no it's not even the same the OP. My nose isn't meaty it's just shaped like a hook.

I'm talking about this thread. My nose is literally called Greek so there are tons of people like that in Greece. Hook nose isn't common but some people have them
