Why are Americans like this?

Why are Americans like this?

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me on the right

That fucking pillow always gets me.

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americlaps are so fucking cringe

Stay seething, tranny. We WILL NOT apologize or feel ashamed for being white any longer.

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excuse me are you refugee or identarian

Bloody hell...

there's a certain irony in virgin freakoids proclaiming normalcy

>Stay seething, tranny. We WILL NOT apologize or feel ashamed for being white any longer.

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>mandatory transgender education for toddlers
>lose custody of your child if their teacher decides they are transgender and need hormones
>girls have 100 sexual partners by age 17
>pornography everywhere completely demolishing the social fabric
>suicide rate spiking off the chart
everything is normal, nothing to see here, nothing is wrong here

it reminds me of flappers in the 1920s

le honk honk le society

Go outside.

kek if you think it was any different a few decades back then you're wrong, it just wasn't shoved in everybody's face.

lmao based megapede

>go outside
>mexicans everywhere
>homeless people everywhere
>literally the only white person in my suburb
>hijab wearing women pushing baby strollers with 5+ kids

ha ha ha oh wow

>you alt righters only have memes
>ok here is a list with legit problems
>*responds with le ironic meme*
fuck you for making me defend those incels in ops pick

nothing is as extreme as you imagine it

go outside freakoid

>>suicide rate spiking off the chart
Only for two minuscule outliers

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Aren't some of your schools still teaching creationism and pledging your life to Israel?

>mexicans everywhere
>homeless people everywhere
Based capitalism.
>literally the only white person in my suburb
>hijab wearing women pushing baby strollers with 5+ kids
What's the issue, exactly?

>>ok here is a list with legit problems

Is this clown world?

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it literally was you absolute retard


>"make normalcy normal again"
>dresses up like a Wallace and Gromit character
Guys, what did the Unites States of America, the best country in the world, literally mean by this?

>What's the issue, exactly?

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>brown ppl in my subburb wtf jennyside

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Where do you live if I may ask? I thought there were barely any muslims in the US.

Its no different to today
t. 19 year old zoomer

Is this clown world?

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>ugh...people with gender dysphoria exist and femoids won’t have sex with me...if only hitler was around to genocide all of the fags and jews and the mean niggers who bully me at school

despite all the mongrels, dyed-hair trannies, obese people everywhere

Is this clown world?

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>all the mongrels
Always been there, Mr. Mutt.
>dyed-hair trannies
Literally irrelevant.
>obese people
Based capitalism.

count them in the video, tell me how many you see

Would this be considered part of the carnival globe?

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I don't see any of those because i'm not a coastoid

What, the "mongrels" (pic related) or the trannies? Because the latter is like 0.6% of the population.

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Does this qualify as part of the harlequin polis?

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It's all completely crazy. I don't think there is a single sane man in the world. I don't think there ever was. I certainly can't qualify as one. I'm going to use another's words, because, although I am far from agreeing with him politically, I have quite a bit of respect for some formulations of feelings he wrote.
>I had a feeling that, like Lorenz, we were all jumping out of windows, and sooner or later we were bound to crash. At the moment we were, so to speak, suspended in mid-air.

>noooo children are people not your property
Fucking commies

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could this be attributed to the pagliacci palace?

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How is Chicagoland these day?

General sense of gloom and doom. City and state are corrupt as ever, and we're probably one race-riot away from becoming the next Detroit. Looking forward to legal DUDE and new Metra equipment though.