Why are swedes such arrogant know-it-alls?
Why are swedes such arrogant know-it-alls?
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Why are asian girls so ugly
No they arent
Because they really know it all
Idk swedes are usually pretty nice, hope they don't die out before I can take a trip to sweden tho, I wanna see them irl
Baby lost an argument to a swede
we've seen things
Baby lost an argument to a swede
fuck off tranny
>hope they don't die out
That's all just fear mongering mate, the only people to exaggerate Sweden's immigration problem, have never actually been to Sweden. It's the same with every retard that spastically memes about such. Not to mention half of their immigrants are Finns, Danes, Brits, and other Europeans.
>the only people to exaggerate Sweden's immigration problem, have never actually been to Sweden
>hurr black BVLL haha am I funny yet?
Yeah I realized that a while ago, just bant
the quintessential american post
I hate Swedes but they are oh-so-right about global warming
We NEED to save the planet first and foremost
Oh yeah I forgot to mention there's such thing as self hating spastics that embrace such a theory. Seeing how much they'll defend it I have a hard time figuring out whether they're that hopelessly blackpilled or if it's some kind of fetish
Do you fear the cave man?
Weird how I pictured the swedes as 2m tall nordic gods when in fact they're even more autistic than the finns
You mean humankind. The planet will be fine
take your meds Hans
Don't know man, half of the kids i went to highschool with were non-white, sure most of them didn't take the same clasess that i did and were in "immigrant groups" (don't remember the correct term rn). Sure if you walk around town you're not that likely to see a lot of them because they are often segregated from us but it is starting to change. Keep in mind i live pretty far upnorth aswell so i can't imagine how it's like in, say, Malmö.
We are?
why are swedes so pathetic?
Well it depends if you live in a city or not. I lived in east London until I was 5, I grew up among southern Asians and west Africans, but as soon as we moved out to Surrey, pretty much everyone in my school was white, and when I moved to Hampshire (further down south) that was even more so the case. I seriously doubt rural Sweden is anything but overwhelmingly white, I imagine it's the same circumstances as Germany, seeing both capitals are 70% ethnic. Point being, almost all major cities are going to have a minority population, regular cities? Typically majority ethnic, towns and villages? Overwhelmingly ethnic.
Go samefag in your yellow roasties thread with different vpn's
It's not Swedes in this instance, it's just some self loathing spastic. Every great nation has them, they're mentally unstable.
Take her back, we don't want her here
Even towns here of 50k are about half brown people in the streets.
dont try and lecture swedes on their own country you homo
but we don't want her either
they are literally just germans with even less culture.
seems like being cultureless autists breeds arrogance
shut up uastralia
Seems like you still haven't learned your lesson, white boy
why is pic related a 10/10 in bongland?
my town has 23k inhabitants and is 99% swedish hehe
I don't want to give out to much info about myself but the city i lived in as a child had a population of like 30k or so. It's even worse in most big cities i have been to (except for Stockholm ironically, altough i think that is because Stockholm is even more segregated than other cities and i mostly hung out in richer areas).
that's our nigger give it back
Idk but it's pretty annoying
stay noided schizo
because they got loaded and found a social care system that worked, so they washed their hands of all their historical sins and now roll like pigs in privileged altruistic intent acting like saints, or flogging themselves for whatever imaginary guilt their strange society forces on them
well this is literally the most swedish thing ive ever seen
Literally what is wrong with paying for sex?
That's quite a big town then lmao, also "half brown people" sounds pretty hyperbole, in my local big town of 50k you will spot at least a few Asians or Blacks, but that's about it. I doubt a town or village of 20k or less will be anything but overwhelmingly white.
I'm not though am I lol. You will get self hating Brits that embrace a great replacement theory, doesn't a.) make them a representative of our countrymen or b.) right
Ahhhh going for ad hominems now I see
Bro, at the end of the day, your immigration problem is exaggerated more than it is anywhere else, like I say Germany is under the same circumstances as you demographically speaking, their capital has the same ethnic population as yours, yet people will point at Frankfurt and scream "muh replacement". Slough has pretty much the same story as this city you speak of, yet the UK is overwhelmingly white regardless.
It’s because they have no culture
A better question is why do our mere existence cause such asshurt?
Despite their reputation for being so smug, I find them to easily be among the most friendly posters here. You can get into some interesting, bully free(Finns notwithstanding) informative and earnest discussions with them without being called mutt, fat, stupid...etc after every post
t. dumb fatass mutt
Became rich in 60s thanks to american gibs and think that their system is the best.
Stupid nerds
asspain Ivan?
Didn't know about the gibs, good on us for helping out one of the good guys
Aren't we self-effacing at the same time though?
Take your meds
What does effacing even mean you fucking nerd?
>Bro, at the end of the day, your immigration problem is exaggerated more than it is anywhere else, like I say Germany is under the same circumstances as you demographically speaking
Some people might exaggurate it, like with most problems some people will always make it look worse than it really is. This doesn't change the fact that there is a problem, and a pretty big one at that.
>yet people will point at Frankfurt and scream "muh replacement".
Well you see the diference here is that Germany has a way larger population than sweden, even then, most of those people are young where as germans are aging. Just because some other countries are bad of doesn't mean we are well of.
>Slough has pretty much the same story as this city you speak of, yet the UK is overwhelmingly white regardless.
For now anyways...
Effacing comes from the French "Effacer", literally "to erase". You would know that if you were European you dumb Mongol.
Men will do less things for women just because they're women if it becomes a social norm.
I think it is a part of their culture or maybe Norway, so not stick out and draw attention to yourself
you fucking frog I have better things to do than to read dictionaries all day long
>uhh we aren't getting replaced London is only 50% non white, nothing will happen in the 50 next years everything will stay like this
How can one be that clueless ? Are you 16 ?
>Not clueless
illiterate reindeer herder
>Not larping
Din mor är så fet att om hon gick till stranden skulle människör skjuta henne in i havet.
answer the question bong
>dental hygiene
>Any country without bidets
you are making white race traitor mad, dont spoiled for them, let them taste what the truth is
Looks like Gothenburg girls tbqh
>Finns, Danes, Brits, and other Europeans
That's somehow supposed to make us feel any better?!
Oh, OP is that rice roastie?
That explains why her discord is here
Dab a paper towel in water vs literally unironically shooting something up your ass
>shooting something up your ass
Imagine as braindead as an American, lmao
dont you dare compare beautiful pic related gothenburg girls with gross bong slags
>oh dear i spilled chocolate on the floor! no worry, i will just use my water gun to squirt some water on the chocolate. there now the floor is clean!
Demonic comeback.
ironic coming from a yellow fever incel
remind me again, how do bald chinks tell their gender apart without seeing their genitals?
>swedes shite on the floor
Absolutely subhuman
You are so oblivious of how they work and how to use them it's funny
Maybe one day you'll be civilized too
Because the world fears the SWEDISH BVLL
das rite
Such a comparative logic demonstration. This must be the high IQ swedes I always hear about.
>Such a comparative logic demonstration.
>Projecting this hard
If swedes bad why minecraft exists?
Check and mate.
Dont say that to my friends.
Swedes are cool, they invented a lot of cool shit
Notch is a swedish speaking finn.
He is swede-finn.
Persson was born in Stockholm,[8] Sweden, to a Finnish mother and a Swedish father on 1 June 1979.[9]
He's Swedish. His mother is just another Finnish girl who got SVEN'd.
Swedes are based BVLLS.
Shut up nazi
70k Swedes have Finnish fathers