What’s with Asians and wearing surgical masks?

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Ugliest race gotta hide their hideous race somehow

defense against Austrians trying to kiss

Covers up the herpes.

asians have short noses which brings air cold to their brains and lungs.. having a mask gives cleaner and warmer air into the body and covers all the snot..

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When Asians are sick/flu they wear them as respect not to pass it onto anyone else. But they've also become a fashion thing now.

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Unironically allergy.

Air pollution

she looks cute..

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it was never about that

They're literally doing it to cover their ugly faces because mongols have interiority complex

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>because mongols have interiority complex

hahahaha.. really? this is what swedesh inbreed really thinks?

>yellow fever
>photoshopped picture of a chink with plastic surgeries and make-up
just like pottery


Funny how you call anyone inbred when you worship a race that is famous for inbreeding. Don't forget to spam the thread with those cherrypicked pictures, it's not like you're proving my point, incel.


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>call anyone

you are not anyone and it was just simple statement of a fact.

Check those knees.

I hear that the air sometimes gets very dry, so the government issues a warning to put on water-soaked surgical masks.
Otherwise, I would have expected it to be an attempt to reduce the impact of air pollution, or to contain the spread of air-transmitted diseases, considering how densely populated east asian cities are.
I think it makes a lot of sense, and that it is a mostly good idea.

It's all that sitting on the ground.

I like horror too, but please don't post such cursed pictures on a blue board.

true, that is why manchus and eskimos have long faces.

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Pollution, pollen allergy, look good or just because Asians don't want to breathe unfiltered air

g*rmanoids run in fear at the sight of the steppe chad

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Thanks nip bro

That's one reason. Some actually do wear when they are sick in crowded places, and some koreans because of the extreme pollution comming in the air from China. Yep, you can feel the pollution in the air in Korea, just in case someone is wondering.