

schizo edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

desuarchive.org/int/search/text/seething london paki/

>40 posts early

schizo's seed and feed

hello niggers

doesn't feel like a victory because this computer is a gigantic brainlet at times

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whats worse
london or manchester


look at her

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Yeah that too

london by far

Anyone here have any phobias?

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i heard manchester has a lot of homeless people

He's a real character that schizo

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they're both equally shit

neglected to mention he's a nonce who wants to rape his sister and genocide the blacks

i eat out about 30-40% of my meals

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im islamophobic

yeah, homo and islamo


Nothing more refreshing than an ice cold glass bottle of Coca-Cola
*pops bottle cap*
*takes a deep long sip*
Coca-Cola, I really can Taste the Feeling.

Oh, Jesus Christ, this is too perfect!

President Meltyface is sabre-rattling about the Falklands to distract from her lying to G3 about inflation and making statistics up. You're facing a fucktonne of sanctions if your President doesn't stop lying about your decreasing economy.

Meanwhile, the UK is the world's biggest cultural exporter and is still riding the high of the Royal Wedding, the Jubilee and being declared the world's biggest cultural export.

Hell, if we cleared the outer cities, the UK would be literally perfect. Meanwhile Argentina has to resort to the Falklands Lie to brainwash your retarded population.

how is that actually possible
you must have no savings whatsoever

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i eat out your mum about 30-40% of nights

almost drowned a few years when i had a panic attack in really deep water. now quite scared to go swimming

i save about 25% of my after tax income

friday nights on the 'ytube

god i wish that were me

Doubt he sees those as faults in his character

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remember that lad who defended geowizard

you arrive in france

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What books you lot reading then?

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had this this summer
have this fear of just getting exhausted and not being able to swim further and sinking into the depths unable to save myself


Which one of you guys made this

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I worked with an Argentinian bloke once and the economical situation and inflation he described sounded very grim.
He also expressed frustration with the Falklands being pegged by their government as a scapegoat

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Not sure if it's a phobia per se, but start panicking if my shirt starts sticking to me, whether it's due to getting wet in sudden rain or just sweat on a scorching hot day
Get an intense feeling of "I need to rip this off me right now or else I'll die"

is this the parisian outer rim of the city/suburbs
those are so grim

haven't finished a book since year 1

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*kicks it wit ya bitch who come from parisian*

very 2012 post


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reading is for faggots

it is very easy to save money by living with mum and dad
feel for the poor buggers who bought into rentberg's scheme, ''oh you simply MUST move out at 18 goy!''

some history stuff but I've asked my library to hold Mysteries by Hamsun for me as I've a copy but it's a really shit translation

that's just autistic sensory issues

clenching my teeth until they break

So it's been 2018 years since you finished a book?

bought a pair of these yesterday


desuarchive.org/int/search/text/seething london paki/

whos this

never lived with my father

chocolate chip cookies and candy bars

it's really the suburbanoids' fault

that's dave

my man

greatest scam of our time.
no regrets. love my parents too and help them out.

like living with my father
feel awkward inviting people over but I rarely do that anyway
he's gone most weekends and I don't have girls over either


as an adult the only time you should be eating sweet things is occasionally after a meal at a nice restaurant

i got this from a video where tim's camera was malfuctioning, its like 2 frames

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do you like the spanish pornstar with the red hair?

don't like it and would rather be independent but refuse to give half my wages to rentberg

no why

for me it is bridgette b

golden ratio

do you think love of gingers is very common or the people who like them just never shut up about it?

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It's all very Byrnesian

i have done a few wanks to her yes

young rebeca linares was the top pornstar of all time
absolutely unmatched, legitimately was in love with her for a bit when I was 14/15

Am a steelworking apprentice earning 4.50 an hour doing work that could result in the loss of my fingers or grievous wounds if i let my attention slip for a second

Next arrogant entitled student I hear whining about so called unitoil is getting skelped

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u cme 2 the rong naighbourhuud fella

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why are you only earning £4.5 an hour?

do you have children working there too lmao

for me its kiky from hegre art


unitoil on thursday

It's called an apprentice wage to incentivise trades jobs to take on people who will learn on the job how to do it and may make some mistakes, and after a year you make more money then after 2 years you get a full wage which will be about £13


is it weird to ask out a shop assistant

cat tug

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time to colonize

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is it weird to knock out a shop assistant

I remember being made to watch this film by you about 2 years ago and I hated it you fucking wasted my time

no they do it all the time in the movies

need to see her take a white cock
otherwise most of hegre's girls are too slim and too eastern looking for my tastes
like when he has like a norwegian or french girl

do you get anything on top of that?

Holy fuck lads what a tune this is


have you seen the 1995 film adaption of Pan by Henning Carlsen?

is this what lads do in their spare time now

good taste