
Death to boomers edition

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> no + friends

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>that pole pimp
you are probably just ugly

Stop projecting, Femvak.

truth hurts



I should've brought my headphones
Man this is boring

Seems the more you make equals the more you get distanced from society.

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Polish trains are good because you can get drunk there

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>riding trains drunk

tell me about sloni, why does he hate women so much?

he hasn't been ever loved by one

sloni is a sweetheart

Beatiful view here.

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Because women are, for the most part, sexist entitled cunts that are unable to think or act rationally and only care about muh emotions?
I disagree with him on most things, but women are trash, period.

>Sexual dimporphism was clearly a mistake and will be the end cause of our species. If they would be muscular and hairy, I'd gladly mate with them.

Most femoids ARE hairy, they just hide it very well by shaving.

I find pulling out pubic hair strings from beneath my teeth in the morning amusing.

>giving oral to prostitutes
Yikes, Laszlo.
I would stop hating them if they gave me (positive) attention.

And you accuse other people of being manchilds lmao.

I believe the proper term is manchildren.

your mum didn't reclamate

But I am aware that this is childish, I simply can't help it.

based carpet muncher, a true connoisseur

when I it 30 I leave this site

Ur right.

You could then stop telling people to grow up when you don't do it yourself.

ok Shahar

are you scared that train cabins might have a hidden cameras?

Grow up, faggot.

It's not childish. Let's take my gf: after meeting me for the 4th time, she decided that she will move in with me next year and give up her job that pays more than 700k yen a month at Accenture to do so. I am grateful for that because I love her, but what rationally thinking person would move to fucking Poland for some guy they met a couple of weeks ago, and give up a very well paying job just to move in with him? Further experiences with my mentally ill mother and mentally ill aunts convinced me that women are unable to think with foresight and solely listen to their emotions. You can't trust people like this to make politically sound decisions. They need to be treated like kids and protectes, so the real world, that does not operate based on emotions, does not hurt them too much.

At some point I almost started liking Manolo, but nah.

what the fuck is in food/water? those girls look so stacked these days

>purging 15 years worth of gif and webm archives
feels bad desü

Japan is really bad for mental health so she will hop on first chance to escape?

thats why politicians pander to them, easy votes.

And advertisers, women are top-tier consumers.

you sound pretty dumb

I saw a guy wearing a fedora at the dorms lmao

Grandpa just called me

That being said, there are some women who are exceptional, but why would they give a failure like me even a sideway glance?

you are a failure as long as you want to be one

>You can be anything you want to be, bro hurr durr
Just stop, I'm gonna fucking punch the wall if I hear this dumb shit one more time.

You are right, better do nothing about it though, you don't want to stop being a loser since your personality is based around that.

yeah, that's gonna help
I don't understand how someone can be so smart and retarded at the same time

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You can literally be anything that you want to be.

I am the living example.

saw girl with nekko ears at mall

Which of you is this?

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At least that can be worn ironically.
But a fedora? It's always worn unironically.
He also had glasses and wore full black clothes.

Bruno Mars fucking rocks fedoras

>you don't want to stop being a loser
But I do, I just can't.

yeah I see those guys every once in a while

you are doing nothing to stop it

>just stop being an ugly manlet, bro

You know, these women you supposedly find exceptional are probably not because of their appearance but their minds right? So being an ugly manlet has nothing to do with finding one of this exceptional women, they can be ugly, short and fat just like you.

>guy stuttering while speaning through the intercom

Today was a good and productive day.

I don't really care about looks, but virtually all women do. And it's not just about women, but actually being confident enough to interact with people.

>PiS dominuje, zaskakujący wynik Konfederacji. Zobacz najnowszy sondaż
>Na Prawo i Sprawiedliwość chce głosować 47 proc. badanych. "W poprzedniej fali było to 45,6 proc. PiS zyskuje więc 1,6 punktu procentowego" – czytamy na portalu.
>Na czwartym miejscu znalazła się Konfederacja, którą popiera 7,5 proc. badanych. Jest to wzrost aż o 3,3 pkt. proc. Ostatnie miejsce w zestawieniu zajęło Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe, na które chce głosować 6,8 proc. ankietowanych. Jest to spadek o 3 pkt. proc.

Korwin power!!!

>20k + gifs
>18 gigs of webms
>atleast 300+ reaction image folders
>every V4 folder

Wipe yourself


If I don't befriend anyone this semester I'm gonna hang myself but for real, no point living like this.

I'd be your friend


you're gonna regret it

I've been online since 1995. It's time to stop.

I kinda like the fat guy serving me in the WARS car of this train
He doesn't look like he judges me for ordering one beer after the other

No you won't

so you're finally gonna fuck off for good?

can I be your friend?

I said I would, not I will

Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

Short answer: yes.
Unless you pop her cherry first, of course

laszlo is depressed



so my friends
az utolsó kapcsolja le a villanyt ;-)

don't come back

What are the requirements?

Next station: Katowice

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2k pln
This is great salary here

you're kidding, right?

Yes. Thats why I need to move out but Im a neet and hae no job experience. At least I made drivers license recently.

It's the minimal wage. Yes, he's kidding.
5-6k PLN would be considered decent here, anything above 10k is very good.


how old are you?

*chews on some more chewing gum*


Some old cunt next to me keeps sneezing as if she had an allergy to oxygen.
Some young cunt behind me keeps chuckling and talking so loud as if nobody else was here.

and you never had a job?

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Yes thats right

so what have you been doing all this time since you finished high school
you did finish high school, right?