Senpai Germany noticed us

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>tfw no german nurse gf because they all go to mexico

>tfw no mexican nurse gf because they all go to germany

What do old germans smell like?

Probably better than people who live in the desert

sometimes muffy, with some old cologne and mixed with their houses smell (old wood and fresh wool loundry)

You don't have to be rude to Arizona and Texas


Probably better than "people" who shat their pants at walmart

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why not just increase salaries to attract your own citizens?

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wont work. there is a million other occupations that have labour shortages that are better paid and dont include wiping old peoples asses.

poles seem to be good with toilet related activities
wouldn't you prefer them to mexicans?

I wish Germany won WWII. I would have a German gf by now. It's not fair bros. Why do the (((>))) have to ruin everye

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Moth powder and misery

Mexicans don’t have the right to stay. These jobs are contract based and company specific so it forces the Mexicans to stick with the company that hired them or they get booted out. So the Mexicans will stay compliant until they can get citizenship.



>Mexicans don’t have the right to stay. These jobs are contract based and company specific so it forces the Mexicans to stick with the company that hired them or they get booted out. So the Mexicans will stay compliant until they can get citizenship.

Oh yes user, Germany is well known for deporting those who are illegal. They will definetly deport skilled workers like they did with the unskilled africans and syrian refugees.

In a single genration Germany managed to join Brazil, Canada and USA as a melting pot nation

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this is why we need AI, too many labor shortages that shekelberg will use as an excuse to import millions of thirdies

The thing is, if the Mexicans don’t leave the companies that are contracted to bring them over get blacklisted. It isn’t a perfect system but it is a way to address the labour shortage in a shitty job nobody wants to do.

Implying AI won't be used to cuck the average worker even harder

Might as well use Germany as a trampoline and claim asylum further north. We are #1 in murder rates, extortion and kidnap.
Could enter anywhere in Scandinavia claiming I got out of Mexico because local cartel had me on its watchlist, having a healthcare related career would be a plus since you have an edge over the African/Middle Eastern nitwits.

Fantastic, I like Mexicans.

that can be solved easier than sending millions back to their countries

It’s possible, but not likely. We get a lot of seasonal workers here from Mexico on contracts. The vast majority return to Mexico when the contract is done. The government monitors how many refugee claims are submitted and the number of people that go ‘missing’. It’s relatively small and manageable.

Seasonal worker=/=white collar worker

Same shit. The reason Canada doesn’t do this with ‘white collar workers’ is because we are immigrant friendly and offer a path to citizenship. So those applicants have to pass immigration a screening process which includes proficiency in English and education attainment. Seasonal workers are not required to have those credentials. Even than the rate of asylum seeking and ‘missing’ persons is low. We already allow visa free travel from Mexico so it doesn’t matter anyways. If a Mexican wanted to take a airplane here for tourism or as a seasonal worker and fuck off it’s equally as easy.