Why is he travel god

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Five eyes asset


Is he Slavic diaspora himself?

More like sex tourist and alcoholic

are you retarded?

>More like sex tourist and alcoholic
>travel god
I don't see the difference between the two

Not an argument, retard.

i lost all respect for him when he casually wore a israel flag shirt.

he's a degenerate sexpat

Yeah but she's cute

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I tend to find his soviet obsession to be rather autistic. I very much enjoyed staring down Alina's cleavage in the videos she was featured in.

He's not a sexpat since he's not an expat. He doesnt live in those countries.
He travels the world to make youtube videos about travel and the countries he's in. The one with the Belarussian grandmother was so heartwarming.

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lol retard, bet you are one of those thumbnail posters too

How is he a retard?

He's alright. There are plenty of travel channels out there in many languages.

He's great. I love that his videos are about Soviet stuff and he goes to places most vloggers wouldn't go.
I started liking Russia much more after his videos

How to get confidence and charisma like Bald?

is it true he fucked a belarussian engineer?

his first wife was belarussian so it's possible