Why is cuckolding so prevalent in white culture?

Why is cuckolding so prevalent in white culture?

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fucking disgusting
i blame america

Left wing ideology

Caucasoid traits are recessive, so mixing with other races yield extreme results, whereas negroid/mongoloid mix is barely noticeable, or if mixed with caucasoid is generally considered an improvement in appearance of the negroid/mongoloid.

>promoting stronger labour and consumer protections, a robust public healthcare and education system for all citizens, a social safety net for those who cannot work, etc. is the reason why cuckolding is so common nowadays

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who cares about social democrats from the 70-90s? those are gone. lets not pretend american wokeism is the dominant form of leftism in the west

He looks like he’s literally in pain.

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>r/Chapotard believes that ideologies are static and do not evolve with time


This can’t be real

Yes user, faggots exist and that's why capitalism can't be questioned

Everything you morons cry about comes from the wheelhouse of Friedman and Rothbard.

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It’s always white left wingers pushing for open relationships and that kind of shit though. They hate the traditional marriage/family structure

fuck off 68er and embrace macron

>r/Chapotard still believes that ideologies are static and do not evolve with time

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Rothbard is an unironic Ancap which is 100% meme and has 0 actual relevance,ever. and friedman certainly didnt emrbace open borders and straight up said welfare state and open borders couldnt co exist.

Brainlet post

*American culture

It's Photoshop.
In the real one on reddit everything but the black man is there

>straight up said welfare state and open borders couldnt co exist.
Guess which one he elected over the other.
If you are not willing to discuss the political theory behind movements then what is the point of discussing politics? To you they are basically meaningless adhoms foisted upon whatever you don't like.

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>r/Chapotard continues to believe that ideologies are static and do not evolve with time

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>making reddit references
Wrong on two counts now.

t. bootlickers

I'm a social democrat with moderate-left values and I don't think open relationships are a great idea. I think people are free to pursue them if they'd like but it's my own personal opinion that in 99% of cases open relationships/polyamory will fail. We just didn't evolve to work that way.