
edward elizabeth hitler edish

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NFL edition

leftypol always starts arguments then loses them.

american football is a hipster sport in britain?

genuinely can't just stick to a diet lads, almost impossible

I am the CHESS CHAMPION of /brit/

Currently eating this. Usually £4.00 but reduced to £1.29

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was watching that kimetsu no yaiba last night

can't really make my mind up if it's good or not

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Rorke having a meltdown cos someone threw the rugby ball forward

Baseball is way more hipster. NFL is pretty big here now, hence why the London games always out.

utterly despise mac and cheese, its such a revolting american """""""""""delicacy""""""""

>I am the CHESS CHAMPION of /brit/

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have this thing where I need to be thinking about some girl or else I feel like life isn't worth living
anyone else know that? is that normal?

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when i think of people that like american sports i think of an overweight guy who watches big bang theory and wears marvel tee shirts

Big in uni's

Well I'm currently watching David Attenborough's Galapagos on Pick. Turn it on.

>Prints on sale outside the Labour conference


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baseball is actually better than cricket in every way
and I say this without even liking baseball
seems reasonable people would like it

desperately need to find a good healthy food to bulk with

if you don't have the delusion that sex and love are imminent and valuable then life is shit

They sell out because they are a novelty.

why do people pay for spotify premium?

So the average 4channer then

have really enjoyed the RWC this year and its the first time ive watched it, quite enjoying the aesthete and vibe of it being set in japan and its a nice appetiser for how good the tokyo olympics are gonna be

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A lot of zoomers at my work who are very thin watch

Grim existence you lead

SOON you will get to properly enjoy it with us yanks

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more like a shitty, one dimensional version of cricket.

watching the big nigger theory

most Jow Forums users have that stuff bullied out of them

yea I guess that is sort of it, not just like sexual like I want to fuck that girl now, I get that loads
but a girl I actually want to be romantic with
I need that or else my life just feels empty and grey
wonder if that's why people do loads of funny drugs like ketamine

True. But so fuck.

don’t think a 4channer would wear a marvel tee shirt. more like the average redditor really.

this, its disgusting

baseball is just rounders but with a bigger bat to psychologically compensate for the players physical inadequacies
rounders is for women btw

Love Jews - hate racism
Simple as

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bacon, eggs, and toast in the morning

Oh yeah forgot all 6'6" chads

mac and cheese? more like arse crack and dick cheese

all /tv/ ever talks about is superhero films

>1 chance at life
>born a briton

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Fuck off pass paki, you fucking skidmark.

Yeah so is shit like quidditch. It’s for the unathletic kids to play.

>God bless

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I am a pict

Looks peng to me

love m&c and that sounds like a bargain
good find

>Dear Comrades

cringing hard

has way better tits than her

Greetings fellow comrades

true American gal taking one for the team
God bless x

>bulking with eggs and bacon

Not really the biggest chad at my uni was in the Rugby, football, American football, basketball and athletics team at the same time, only sickly soiboys refuse to play certain sports


am a jute

what are you implying you stupid cunt
that's reasonable

Co-op usually have loads of reduced items first thing in morning. Bought some decent things this morning when I went.

Real sports freaks here generally don't cross over into BBT type shows or superhero crap. The are "I think" comparable to your "Deano"

/v/ is such a grim little cesspit, don' know why i even go there

so? doubt anyone would wear a marvel tee shirt regardless. too self aware.

you know the type of guy i mean. fat, glasses, left leaning views, browses reddit, obsessed with “incels”, listens to metal music etc

mate, that's leftypol you're replying to
he's not right in the head
not even sure if "he" is the right word
next time if you see someone talking to themselves, making weird accusations about someone called "rorke," just keep scrolling and don't make (You) contact

i mean in the uk. people that like football in the usa are probably freaks i imagine

>lining up outside supermarkets before opening time

Dire, the 4channer shows his true face

/v/ is full of children but honestly I'd say out of any board they tend towards having the best taste in their particular subject
way better than /tv/ or /lit/ for instance

love taking small sips of the original lucozade

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cute isnt it its called a selkirk rex no idea why as it was first bred in america but you know what theyre like desperate to have some sort of history

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i once saw a screencap of someone talking about posting on /v/ in some xbox live chat
they were 9 years old


bacon and aigs don't have a lot of calories
bulking means more calories
not rocket science twat

Ok, yeah I can see it being pretty niche over there, working class normies are the majority of the fan base here

sucking a creme egg

a creme egg?!

Doubt anyone would have time for all that. Some of them would clash.


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must be pretty shit

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>Store opens at 09:00
>White boomers walk through the door at 09:00:01

I fucking hate them so much

What gave you that impression?

Cricket is far more interesting, but I like basebol

what is the difference between cricket and baseball

i really would like to see where this anti semitism in abour is, i can easily go and find a tory group with islamophobia but an anti semitic labour group is a bit harder

just get a chuckle out of these doomer and >depression pictures

This was some kino, finally got around to watching it

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What's happening at labour lads, was thinking of doing a cheeky Corbyn vote

Nah, they're pushing for a London team because it's becoming big here.

Im a vile cretin and i hate myself

I wonder which is more complex, even experts have trouble with baseball rules

Fuck off, you pathetic Yankfied nigger zoomer cunt.

love stepping on cans

>What's happening at labour lads, was thinking of doing a cheeky Corbyn vote

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the black man throws the ball full pelt

local M&S used to open at 10:00 on sundays but you couldnt purchase anything until 11:00, never understood why that was, some weird law probably

i get mad about people going to the shops

forgive yourself

Outstanding post and trips.

>fuck racists and fuck this particular race!
holy hypocrite batman! this "social justice" gang is the weirdest cult i've ever seen
indeed robin. it would seem they've gone completely fucking mental.

just told the Tesco superstore manager he's a pathetic Yankfied nigger zoomer cunt lads

so what did you do in the store at 10am? I dont think you've got that right. Probably couldnt sell alcohol til 11 you mean