Hi faggs, look at my awesome photoshop/TA skillz. Newfaggs cant triforce. Im fuckin hackerman. Btc to 20k soon TM

Hi faggs, look at my awesome photoshop/TA skillz. Newfaggs cant triforce. Im fuckin hackerman. Btc to 20k soon TM.

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Attached: bart.jpg (78x118, 18K)

hacker man failz :(

btc no 20k, PS skillz also lame.

based and red pilled

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Shut up bitch


suck me dry.

Lol finally

CHAINLINK 0.01$ 2019

Nope still a retard

damn all these fucking green id's bull run imminent

damn brown id don't trust pajeet


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>Btc to 20k soon

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Attached: 1537342251379.png (809x867, 543K)

∩ ∩


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Hmmmm. Doesn't work when phone posting. Lemme test something " "

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