Is Ramadan the ultimate no-fap challenge?
Is Ramadan the ultimate no-fap challenge?
Ultimate fasting and nofap noporn challenge
No , life is
You can still eat and fap if you lock yourself up in a room with no windows since Allah won't see what you're doing
nah you're busy during ramadan, no-nut november on the other hand is more of a challenge
Are husband and wife allowed to copulate during Ramadan?
Yes, but only at night.
What if you wake up and the dick is still inside the pussy?
You're supposed to wake up in the very early morning for suhoor
>Wake up in the morning
I guess NEETs can't be Muslim :(
We spend the whole night awake and the whole day sleeping in Ramadan
you don't have to but then you'll be starving
They fap after sunset
You can fap after you break your fast
I remember hearing the Chechens drink at night, because ''Allah is sleeping''
Is fapping not Haram in general?
Judaism specifically forbbids ''spilling semen for leisure''.
It should be. Stop fappin.
What would people fo in a muslim country if you ate during Ramadan as a tourist?
Would you be put in jail?
How is Ramadan even considered "feasting" when you can eat/drink/smoke/fuck to your heart's content as long as it's dark outside?
bump for answer!
That's because I didn't just pulled it from my ass, some muslims in Russia unironically believe this afaik
>Is Ramadan the ultimate no-fap challenge?
It would be if they weren't eating for 30 days. But they eat their belly full every evening. So it's more like a fap festival.
My muslim friends don't do nofap in ramadan for some reason I think it's haram but who knows I'm going to hell anyway lmao
fapping is haram in general
because you fast for a significant 12+ hours you retarded nigger
I thought alcohol is banned in Chechnya.
if you look obviously like a tourist, you'll get some dirty looks or people might ignore you or try to communicate that its not cool to do it during fasting.
if you look like a local, people will call you an asshole or maybe you'll get punched.