Where would you place yourself on the political spectrum

Where do you think you are compared to the rest of your cunt and where is your cunt compared to other cuntries?

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Hard to say desu. I have right-wing views and left-wing views but I'm not going to call myself a centrist because that implies I'm on the fence regarding different issues, which I'm not. I don't see why you have to align yourself with one side of the spectrum, just pick and choose opinions from both sides for different issues

I never really cared nor followed politics but here you go

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I would be firmly Right Libertarian if I didn't also fucking hate Corporations.

I hate Governments and Corporations. I don't understand how anyone can trust the former, and ancoms are literally insane and make everyone assume anyone even in the same ballpark on the spectrum is an ancom

(Modern) National deverlopmentalism, with is a third wave form of capitalism (please ignore the cringe version of deverlopmentalism made by americans, their version is gay and retarded)

i did this test but i don't agree with the result. i'd say i'm on the alt left

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>I would be firmly Right Libertarian if I didn't also fucking hate Corporations.
Loving corporations is the only reason to be a Libertarian though.

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I'm pretty left but share most values with the right

anime xD


picking a side is easy. just say if you support capitalism or oppose it

Incorrect. As you can see, my statement about ancoms poisoning the well is correct.

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i'm am ultra right lib who wishes he could live in the mad max universe, majority of my cunt may as well be USSR sucessor state

Conservative, socially and economically

Simple as that.

Based on this I think lib-left

Grow up fag


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based frog btfoing tranimeposters

They poisoned the well due to lack of meaningful opposition.

I know only two things. The unsurmountable authority of my penis, and of my ak-47. Whatever political opposition I encounter must contend with those

he based

Just like annoying, whiny cuckold Canadians poisoning the Leaf well.

Compared to the rest of my country, I might as well be the reincarnation of Pol Pot
Compared to other countries, I'm sort of socialist
based militiaman

I'm very deep in the purple quadrant, but unlike most Jow Forumstards who call themselves ''libertarian'' but are basically just fascist who like capitalism when it suits them, I'm what would be considered a SJW over there. All forms of oppression and bigotry stem from collectivism, and the vast majority of it was enforced or perpetrated by tyrannical goverment. Capitalism is the driving force behind all social progress.

sorry if the truth hurts

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You're being as dumb as the shithead conservatives that conflate everything to the left of them as being gommies.

Actually I think I am giving you sound advice. If you want to be heard, fight to be heard. Even if you have to rail against people from your own supposed "team".

The ultimate merchant

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I don't need that advice, as I don't associate with people from my "team", nor do I vote for the Libertarian party. It's full of retards and has 0 chance of ever being elected in our system anyway.

lolbertarians are the ones who do that

Not really. The average Israeli is a socially conservative communist, and while diaspora Jews are also progressive, them are mostly socialist.


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My older brother is more autistic than I am and is unironically the most politically knowledgeable person I know

He read the reading lists on Jow Forums. Everything from theodore dalrymple to meditations by aurelius as well. He can quote obscure statistics for almost all countries. He regularly monitors breitbart, reddit, Jow Forums, the economist, salon, you name it. He also collects historically important music and even famous tones or songs from movies

The poor guy is holed up at home because he can't function outside and has been living through psychological hell

spoken like a true kike

better not let da queen this this


y not

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Well I've literally meant "merchant" as a proffession.

Can't argue with that

im for free market with some welfare like switzerland and other euro nations, for nuclear and renewables taking over current energy sources, for more civil liberties (i.e. less regulation/bans over drugs, alcohol, free speech, etc), and general freedom. but i also think something like gay marriage should not be allowed and instead just be a civil union under the law and marriage staying as a religious thing, and the churches themselves can choose whether they want to officially marry a gay couple.
generally against war unless defensive or maybe helping nato or whoever
compared to the US i would be considered more libertarian and in some ways more right wing

>anarchomonarchist of course

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Don't know why I always end up here, I disagree with so much American liberals come up with. I don't like immigration and think there are only two genders. I guess liking both civil liberties and a strong welfare state confuses the compass somewhat.

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the test is biased towards left and libertarian

I used to have a short neo nazi stage years ago that I intend to forget. I'm pretty liber left now, I just don't like talking about politics.

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Liberals are centre-left and centre-right. Don't get that lie in your head that Liberals are Anarchists or Communists or that Classical Liberals are to the Right. They're all fucking background politicians with no stable ideals.

Ive noticed that being religious will get you in the upper half

economic left, social right



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Nazbol gang gang