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I really want to marry her

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there was some assburgers girl that rode my bus in high school that was nice looking and had big tits...god i wish she was my gf

Did she have any friends ?

She seems completely insufferable

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I genuienly enjoy sbsk vids. She was lovely

Are we actually strange for non-autistic people?

People usually find me "eccentric" (since I was a kid), but I can't tell if they can actually spot that I'm proper autistic (and it's not gimmick).

At first I was mildly annoyed and then this pedo SBSK maniac jumped onto the couch and started talking. WTF?

She's perfect

bruh i dont enjoy the videos only this one because of the qt but even in this one the faggot guy almost ruined it by talking about how things get better as you grow up

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i dont know how autistic you are but i can definitely consider the girl in the video strange. But not in a big way, I can think back to school and I had a classmate who acted a lot like that.

Yes, i have Asperger and my friend told me that before she knew she thought that i was somehow "different"

She overindulges in her autism and doesn't suppress it

Daily reminder that the onus is upon you to adapt to society and integrate

Rather than emphasizing your impairment just manufacture a palatable personality. It works nicely


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do autistic people understand love and affection?

Very good advice, we go around accepting and tolerating everything when she obviously needs to not be coddled so much and enter into some good therapy

Doesn't she have a black bf?

Not htat much, usually an autistic is either emotionless or repressed

YES. BUT we can feel overcharged and disappointing (trying to read signals) and completely shut down and aliante the ones we like best.

We are actually quite affectionate.


>Be autistic male
>Disgusting freak
>Be autistic female
>It's extremely cute
It really do be like that huh

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Can you show affection? My emotional side is completely fucked up

No, watch the video faggot she has no bf. Get out of here with your fetish

yes, he seemed gay tho

>she really loves anime
>it's basically cooler versions of kid shows with swearing and cursing and super powers
what a shocker

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that's a normal person

Towards humans rarely and usually forced because they're duplicitous fucks. Towards animals, a lot.

Yeah it'll only deepen problems later

Are you mentally ill?

I completely can't relate.

What I do see is that I either really get emotional inprint from someone, or I don't at all. More intensive and less extensive number of people I can support feel emotionally connected to.

YES. In various ways. I have, for exemple, a set of different nicknames I give to people I love (and they have meaning) - I'm sorry, I don't really want to proper explain. Haha : -T


Do you walk awkwardly?

She acts like she's 10

she is

She doesn't really seem autistic but more like she would murder me in my sleep on a whim.
At least that's my impression.

I am unable to give someone a decent nickname, i call people by their name and surname. And yes i walk awkwardly, faster than most people.

She is really weird, 100% autistic

>And yes i walk awkwardly, faster than most people.

It was a wild guess, hm?!?!

do you think they fugged?

I suppose that you have a know how about auspie behaviour so it was easy to guess...

she sounds like Laura Bailey
must be all the anime dubs

Mutt women belong with mutt men (me). Fuck off foreigners

t. jealous roastie


i saw her first

Do you revise conversations? Prepare talking points before meeting people?
Have rigid time schedules and extreme discomfort when you deviate?
Rock.back and forth when distressed?
Easily tip over from imbalance?
Have immense sensitivity to sound?

>be me
>diagnosed HFA, a few ICD diagnoses here and there
>cannot lie, always tell the truth even to a complete stranger
>when a doctor asks me about something I start telling him about everything that's wrong with my health
>cannot look into people eyes, not even my parents. Got my eyes crossed for 2mm because of that.
>can easily stuck for a minute, because I saw some object's unusual or beautiful texture (walls, floors, desks, etc)
Fuck my life

she's not autistic she's just weird

>cannot look into people eyes, not even my parents. Got my eyes crossed for 2mm because of that.
It doesn't work like that
The bait was almost solid

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What's your real name bro and address bro ?

>It doesn't work like that
It does, I cannot focus my eyes most if the time.
And when I look into mirror with my left side turned in I see a light outline around everything.
It doesn't work if it's not real life, finn

>Do you revise conversations?
ALWAYS. I remeber everything anyone I feel emotionally connected to said.

> Prepare talking points before meeting people?
YES. Yes, yes, yes!

>Have rigid time schedules and extreme discomfort when you deviate?
No, I'm just a full on nocturnal. - I can proper read or learn when there is too much sun, or "white lights". I read with lights download, for exemple.

>Easily tip over from imbalance?
E-ve-ry-day! Since I was a kid people used to say I walk like "Gisele Bundchen, because I swing, and cross my feet. My legs always go inwards from the knees down to compesate from my lack of balance.

>Have immense sensitivity to sound?
EXTREMELY. I remeber in classrooms when teachers would try to cheers students by SINGING and KNOCKING on the boards, my mind would go BLANK and I wouldn't make sense of anything else.

It is so awkward answering to this questions, because I can see EXACRTLY what you are talking about, and most people don't get it, I guess.

I can't proper read*

Extremely hot

I wonder how she would react to getting preggers

Even doctors don't recognize them. Relax and let go sometimes user. Don't let that high anxiety threshold for making a normie mistake get to you

Take care

>Rock.back and forth when distressed?

I'm right now exhilarating from your questionary, and what's why there are so many typos - Sorry - It's like you are reading me ("Who are you????"). Hahahaha.


i think autistics male are extremely cute.


>teenage girl pretends to have mental disorders for attention

>spaniard acting like a virgin freak

I preferred the interview with the schizophrenic recently. He's less insufferable and seems genuine in his suffering

Love yes, a lot. I feel like my interior self is a powerful storm that would break like from the inside and that's with both love and hate. Affection is different. I hate physical contact but I love to receive affection like hugs and such and also giving it because it means someone likes you. But it's not something instinctive to give it when you love someone, it's not an automatic 1+1.

M8 what is wrong with you

Some more
>uttering out some entertaining words randomly
>examining floor patterns and walking accordingly
>getting mysterious itches
>memorizing and rewatching the same comedic scenes you find funny
>listen to certain songs for the entertaining sounds without paying attention to the lyrics
>liking certain things like older electronics for no reason
>memorizing telephone numbers
>replaying the same level if not done satisfactorily
>loving squishy carbs to death and forcing sandwiches and pasta
>wearing the same 3 outfits and having your family criticise you

>tfw that interview with the fake multi personality disorder woman

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I legit can't tell if you are a PhD doctor, or an autist yourself.

It's priceless, honestly.

Yes, I collect antigue broochs, shoes laces, can sing chinese songs I don't understand.... A whole cornucopia of bizarre.

It's so fucking cool that someone gets that this ain't a gimmick for attention! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!

Holy shit I tried to watch other videos on that channel, hoping to see other curious people, and apart from her and the schizo guy they're all circus freaks. Euthanizing should be legal and it's a shame that these people is denied some dignity.
This one is much better


bad acting
