ITT post things that wh*Toids will never be able to understand

ITT post things that wh*Toids will never be able to understand

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Having a soul

Just noticed there is Latin in that wall lyl

why do i have the urge to enslave

>why do i have the urge to enslave

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Because you are gay and want to taste black cock in a dominant perspective

t. pic related

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Say that to your mother’s new boyfriend instead of here

>why do i have the urge to enslave

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How do I get a relationship like this?

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That baby is adorable

crackers are unironically subhuman. i'm not joking

your wife needs to be low iq and content with living a low iq life, then you can proceed to be low iq yourself

sorry i dont speak sand nigger

Cause you’re a monster?

they are probably smarter than you kraut subhuman

white devil

the fact that you can somewhat speak one language is impressive enough on its own my amerifriend. maybe you're one of the smarter americans who can count up to thirty.

Brown people are generally kind of dumb.

That man is so black he's purple

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He's not niggest dark or nothing

very progressive

Can't be dumber than your average american.

Attached: amerimutt 66 IQ in action.jpg (1306x54, 14K)

>brag about "muh family values"
>OP was raised by a single mother
>most people in Africa does

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That was the best idea in that thread though, britanon.

Americans are brown themselves

>most people in Africa does

One the guy in the vid isn't African hes from Indian islands

Secondly no most Africans are raised communally

Someone pls post the qt webm that seems to be from the same tribe

Es un australoide no un negroide

I know they are from some islands near India, that's why I said Africa

>raised communally
So same shit that happens in the USA where the ghetto is the one that raises the children? Great family values OP

wow better than I expected.

Thanks user.


Actually they are closer to nilotocs than to australoids, check it out.

Hes ignorant about some things but atleast hes not a virtue signaling liberal like you

Marry a girls from some shithole country

Thank you, don't be like the dark wypipo (niggers) and have proper family values

where did I virtue signal? Elaborate further.

>family values
cringe and incredibly bluepilled

You pretend to care about primitive people to feel better about yourself


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Nah. I am not a filthy wh*toid like your subhuman race with their disgusting mentality.


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They are negritos part of the australoid race

I would like to cite this post as evidence.

So the only good thing about black people is "muh dick", being raised in a broken family, be poor because of that, love in a community full of crime where sometimes you get forced to part of, all these bad things about black communities have to be forgotten because "muh poor black people" nobody is forcing you to have a shit family, you do it by yourself because "muh dick"

>Nah. I am not a filthy wh*toid like your subhuman race with their disgusting mentality.
You dont need to be white to be a virtue signaling liberal

Bit really.
Pre-industrial societies never developed nuclear families, so they're raised by their tribe(which is just their extended family).

while he lives in one of the most dangerous country's in the word

do whatever you want

whatever you think :)

>blah blah blah

That's actualy why people from south Europe and Latam tend to spend more time with their parents, they developed much later than countries like England or USA.

We'll all become individualistic beings with no sense of belonging though, it's the natural evolution of capitalism.

Are you a bleached negroid?

I can be anything inside your imagination :)

Adamanese people have been isolated from the world for more than 26,000 years, they are hunter gatherers, they live in a community, and they still have a father figure that cares about his family.

That's not true. They have traded with others in the mainland like every other tribes had done. There were trading networks betwe

what does colbert have to do with this?

en tribes even before civilization for flint rocks and various resources.

Brown people don't know how to use this right.

sure thing bro

While many belicean women come here to find a job

OP was right

Pls tell me why you are so obssesed with negros

but I am not? Also they are not "Negros".

Arabs enslaved negros too

You can tell he's brown because of the way he replies, and if he is white, he's one of the dumb continentals.

Because Jewish brainwashing has completely erroded the bedrock of your consciousness

as I had already told you, I can be anything you want in your brain

fucking bullshit.Your the poorest country in central american

Form of: a little brown cock-sleeve

whites are brainwashed by media

they don't know how to live anymore

kill all white ppl

Or am I? Who knows?

>but I am not?
You are very passionate about defending them, that shows you are obssesed with them

>Also they are not "Negros".
They are a race of dark skinned people therefore negro, negro simply means dark

I won't know till you work this meaty white dick, Duane.

You even got my name wrong. Also why are white americans so much into cuck fantasies?

Hes white asian or part negro

How is my throbbing white cock stretching black boipussy a cuck fantasy exactly? It's not like I can cuck your imaginary gf, Duane.

>white asian
what does that even mean?

>part negro
am I?

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No, you are, we unironically give jobs to a lot of English speaking people so beliceans come here for job

lol ok

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Did your mom suck you back in for self pleasure and give you brain damage or something?

>I'm too enlightened to have sex

maybe or maybe not but you already have the answers to that question inside your head. No matter whatever I say your reply will be largely the same thing.

I forgot to add:, Duane?

Are you one of those pussy boys that thinks people can read your mind or something? All I have to go on is your brown-ass posts, Duane.

add what? A bullet into your already damaged braincells?

It was right in the post you mong, learn to read.

How old are you? Answer honestly.

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>>white asian
>what does that even mean?
You know what I meant retard, adding a comma is not necessary this is Jow Forums not a writing assessment test
>>part negro
>am I?
I dont know because you are too ashamed to admit your race

???? This only proves my point, we are not the poorest country in Central America, you and Nicaragua are.

23, you, Duane?

because you are weak. your race is weak and only get to power through devious tactics like colonization and can only defeat a man by waving guns and twisted metal armored vehicles. that's why you need to enslave, to claim a false sense of superiority over others

You are proving his point retard


the average person makes more in Belize than Hondurans.

but if it worked and created modern society that will exists for years to come was that false sense of superiority really that false? Physical strength is but one way to tackle a problem.

You are right, we should start migrating to Belize, 100k Hondurans will be enough to bleach that shithole.

His skin looks like a layer of dirt that i desperatly want to wash off. I'm not even racist, though.