Jow Forums Happening 2: Electric Boogaloo

Jow Forums needs a new champion

Attached: roster.png (671x1067, 616K)

Also, make suggestions for next session's contestants (these ones were the most popular in the previous threads)
I will add a BLACK QVEEN as i just realized this roster could use some more diversity.

Attached: 1.png (592x966, 225K)

shes been popular lately

Attached: 1569077377706.jpg (1125x2436, 328K)


Attached: 2.png (721x751, 228K)

Xi's death, im fucking dying


Attached: smj4jzewnuc21.jpg (1080x1207, 98K)

Attached: 3.png (603x1051, 246K)

Kinda have a feeling gigachad wont last long

Greta's working with Israel now

Attached: 4.png (653x929, 220K)

based bolsonaro

Attached: 5.png (650x1031, 192K)

>Shhhhh. No cringe and sadness only happiness now


>Why yes, i intend to fight the phoenician menace, how did you know ?

Attached: 6.png (690x904, 255K)

Imbeciles want me dead. Understandable.

Attached: 53143143145315666.png (840x471, 408K)

Fucking imbeciles

Attached: 7.png (582x931, 233K)

Attached: 8.png (589x1053, 339K)

Bolso going on a rampage

Attached: 9.png (630x929, 264K)


based Aztlan warrior wants to revive Tenochtitlan

Attached: 10.png (678x751, 210K)

>this thread
Op you're pathetic

Attached: OvX8EXO420I.jpg (456x480, 53K)