Was Roman Britain ethnically diverse? Africans were known to be frequent in Roman society

Was Roman Britain ethnically diverse? Africans were known to be frequent in Roman society.

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This is what the BBC thinks about this:
>Moffat even talks about the idea he mentions above—the excuse of “historical accuracy” that some people often give to justify an all-white cast— “[W]e’ve kind of got to tell a lie: we’ll go back into history and there will be black people where, historically, there wouldn’t have been, and we won’t dwell on that. We’ll say, ‘To hell with it, this is the imaginary, better version of the world. By believing in it, we’ll summon it forth.
Britain is GOING to be brown if these people get their say.

>Was Roman Britain ethnically diverse?
There were Britons, it's very likely that there were some Gauls (as the two groups traded frequently) and after the conquest there were some Roman settlers.

So yes, Roman Britain was rather diverse.

And yet it would ne racist to cast white people in a historical piece from Africa or Asia.

depends on wherever or not they served in the legions and what legions were granted land in britain. we might actually find sources with some digging. a roman legion itself was usually fairly ethnically homogenous since they were raised from specific provinces. only exception is when its raised from rome directly or if a legion suffered so heavy losses that its combined with another.
a legion raised from southern egypt might contain quite a lot of nubians. but I am not sure if romans would be so dumb as to send a legion from southern egypt to britain. they would hate the climate. or they might do it intentionally, then give them land in britain. they will likely hate it, sell it back and maybe serve another round. rome always had problems finding enough land for its veterans.

Please stop using this faggy word.

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butthurt bong mad about all the brown people in his cunt

I just do not understand modern culture

Serving in the legions was generally restricted to Roman citizens, with peregrines serving as auxilia. Often specializing in roles which Rome itself generally underperformed in (Germanic cavalry, Cretan archers, Balaeric slingers et cetera). These preregrines would be offered Roman citizenship as a reward.

Of course this changed in the late empire, as in the 3rd century AD peregrines stopped being a thing (anyone within Rome's borders got citizenship) and even later on more and more military service was "outsourced" to foreigners.

brown italic bulls were the aristocracy there

still means quite a lot of citizens from rather exotic places.

Depends. Britain was extremely diverse of different groups of white people that is for sure.
You had scandinavians, germans, celts, romans, picts and so on. But no black people.

Yes the original africans, not negros from sub sahara aka ethiopians as they were called before.

>tfw no Britain without no angloids or germanoids just gaels (and picts)

Why do germanoids/angloids ruin everything?

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If Roman Britain was indeed ethnically diverse, then what happened to make that diversity go away?

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nords invading and muttification

All of those groups are white though, hardly diverse


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>hardly diverse

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Why did they have to specify that the French immigrants were people?

Not in the retarded anglo/burger sense.

Wow and I thought nazi germany was our peak time. Thanks ameribro.

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Ah yes, it was little nigeria when you walked through the plaza's of Londinium

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