fausto veranzio edition
got a fag on
lot of tofu in this """seafood""" tempura
this the lad who reviews big mac’s that always comments on tim’s vids?
Slowly beginning my descent into becoming a film snob
whatever happened to that porn ban in britain?
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD Evening good evening good evening good evening good evening I've come here tonight to bugger your son
Gagging for some bibimbap
Ay up duck
i stopped it
mikey would last a day in the black country
Will I get ID'd for buying johnnys in tesco self service?
stephen is based
Top 5 films as of right now. Go
what's your favourite godard
Is it just me or did he start to seem a little slow on later seasons of qi?
they're not doing it because it's impossible to implement
this fella predicted parachutes, suspension bridges and wind turbines in his book, Machinae Novae, in 1595
swear that guy said rape gangs not ray guns
so they're finally here
performing for you
if you know the words
you can join in too
Seen a slag like this but like half caste the other day when I was driving through Rochdale the other day. She got all shy lmao.
no mate you won’t the machine will just scan it as it would a pint of milk
Good lad.
i ought to kept under permanent house arrest and deprived of the most basic of pleasures
did he do shoot the piano player?
if so that
Smart man to be honest
moni has finally made it
*patiently awaits tim byrne's next video*
proper old wind turbine design
How did they get a photograph of someone who lived 500 years ago
nigger thumping music outside
niggers in a car
going to go apeshit
that was truffaut
It's a picture of a painting from a book from 1920
i guess they lost the actual painting
I don't think that's quite a haiku.
If that's true I'm jelly.
I hate niggers
le révélateur
le révélateur
le révélateur
le révélateur
le révélateur
Me too
virgin freak
whatever happened to all the freaky looking white people, used to be different types of people everywhere
Hope all uni anons have enjoyed their freshers week or have a great time if they start this week
im disappointed in you.
i expect that kind of language from lancashire but i thought you were better than that
hope you get hit by a lorry
don't think there's ever been a nigger as dark as you if I'm honest
Someone's playing with a universe jumping machine but it doesn't quite work.
Wish I knew about all this uni shite earlier. Would have fucked off to shag a load of slags on the governments dime 3bh
On margate sands I can connect nothing with nothing
sucking an eye of a blood drunk hunter
Malaponte you are not white
rosa, rosa, rosa, where is my heart?
rosa's flower powers, she is a witch
I am a white Italian-American working class man
To Carthage then I came
Burning burning burning burning
O Lord Thou pluckest me out
O Lord Thou pluckest
so itchy
so itchy
send help
Another classic lads
down the pub
love this piccy
Looks a good old pub man
Are the American crisis & the European one the same? Not quite - America did achieve its utopia, the utopia of freedom, security, material comfort, in the late 20th century. That utopia is now behind it. The European utopia-of peace, liberty, material equality-was never achieved.
might skip toil tomorrow what they gonna do sack me? ha
close to me haven't been there in ages though
decent menu
good drinks
can you do me a favour and stop posting in my thread please?
like can someone make a new and yous can all use that one instead and leave this thread? i want this thread to be just for me and maybe my friends
sucking a third of umbilical cord
is this hans sennholz
reads like him
wish someone would section me
friends series 1-4 really was the best before chandler settled down and lost his comedic value
there are no pubs in yankland
that is a themed bar
Looks a lot better than 90 percent of English pubs.
how I met your mother was better
it's an inn
umm dude that’s a traditional british pub it even does fish and chips! got some real nice ipa as well if that’s your thing
her royal pengness
catholic scum
Don't get all the yankoid hate. Memes aside I reckon most of them are alright.
got sexually harassed by a very creepy man in the psych ward
he kept asking me to feel his falls because he thought he had cancer
i'd be lying in bed and i'd look around and he'd just be stood there staring at me from my door way. after i caught him staring at me that's when he'd start begging me to check his balls for lumps. fuck knows how long he'd been staring at me before i noticed.
he was about 40 and looked a bit like a frog and he had a horrible creepy high pitch monotone breathy voice
horrible nasty dirty cunt
no it's not
be quiet
fuck off tranny you know I'm not a mackerel snapper
the gf has very large chebs lads
You must be black if you find this attractive
it's an Inn
refuse to believe that malaponte genuinely believes he's white
it's all just a gimmick
A lot of us are fucked up.
Unironically I find the most loathsome posts on /brit/ to come from people with British flags
Yanks can only ever inspire mild annoyance, never genuine hatred the way some British poster wankers can
An unsaid truth. Spot on.
you're as catholic as me
I could change my surname to Inn by deed poll but that wouldn't make me an inn would it?
charlie when are you bringing you thirty year old girlfriend to meet your folks?
you’re a toilet