Post qt Asian girls.
Post qt Asian girls
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inb4 the yank, spaniard, swede, and swampgerman
Oh look It's Photo shop
Ready for the shitstorm
But OP, cute Asian girls don't exist.
She looks like Ayy lmao
They really do, before and after surgery.
Give me a quick rundown on OP and his raid.
>just moved to a college town to start school
>at least 50% Asian (10-20% Asian residents PLUS international Chinese and Korean)
>everywhere I go Asian girls
>80% are cute and wife material
>so many awkward situations where my yellow fever acts up
>crowded elevator with Asian girls
>stuck in line between huge groups of Asian girls at Tim Hortons, Star bucks, anywhere with fried chicken
>walking behind groups of Asian girls with nice asses
>stuck in between two Asian girls in class both wearing no bra, there nipples slightly erect in the cold room nice supple breasts
>have to talk and communicate with Asian girls a couple of times of week
>everyday I spend my nights on Jow Forums looking at Asian girl threads fantasizing about making hapas
>yellow fever never goes away just gets more and more harder to ignore as the days go on
>can never work up the courage to talk to them and make a move
>always come off as a sperg when I try and interact with them
>some of them still dont mind and still smile at me while I Tism' all over the place
My life has been suffering since Ive moved here, my Yellow fever is destroying me I need an Asian gf so badly.
discord raid thread?
it's so fuckign weird to imagine female azean creaturas spamming this board when normal women are out there living life and experiencing teenage love
I would've done the same thing if I was a Mongol woman. White and latino women are simply superior in every way.
what's up with german-speaking countries being obsessed with asian women?
it's still the weirdest thing to imagine females behaving like r9k incels
>OP is part of a yellow roastie's discord group
>they're obsessed with spamming yellow fever threads on popular Jow Forums boards which is why there are 40-50 yellow fever threads by them every day
>they get triggered if you don't put yellow roasties on a pedestal
>they also get triggered if you post normal pictures of yellow roasties without their plastic and make-up
>one of them (the one with the Swiss VPN) spent almost 70 hours without any sleep and spammed yellow fever threads
>everyone is bullying them and it triggers the shit out of them
OP is acting like Jow Forums incels because he is a regular on Jow Forums.
My beautiful kpop star
this one is unsettling [TRIGGER WARNING]
good catch, I just noticed it now too
Are you capable of uploading pictures of them without excessive usage of photoshop, make-up and shitty plastic surgeries or are you just as mentally unhinged as OP?
apparently none of them can speak a word of german when asked on spot
They can't. They haven't even tried to do it because it'd make their usage of VPNs more obvious.
The faggot OP of this thread used a picture of someone's Swiss passport which he grabbed off of Google Images. That's how sad and pathetic they are.
I just saved pics of girls from Russia from their profiles, what's your fucking problem?
Self hating racist detected
>shitty plastic surgeries
Are you ok there? Girls are clearly hapas/have some non asian admixture
>women uploading pics of themselves without make up
>admits to being a creep
>only uploads cherrypicked pictures
>is having an autistic meltdown
We don't say "hapa" in the states. We call them mestizos. And mestizos look like mongoloids.
>women uploading pics of themselves without make up
I wouldn't call those things "women" and all three of them used photoshop. This is due to yellow roasties having inferiority complex and lots of insecurities.
>Gook goblin
Low test incels deserve extinction.
Self haiting?
i'm southeast asian and i don't find korean or chinese girl attractive why is that racist?
Most asian don't get along with each other
stupid fucking asian american
OP in a nutshell
>Post qt Asian girls.
She is not really asian but ok
Wow the r/aznmasculinity hapas itt sure are mad.
The beauty of the East Aryan woman must not perish from this earth.
whoa her hair looks really cool
Lol this pic destroys the Asian femcel. White women are goddesses who they simply can't compete with without plastic surgery.
Are you retarded?
They all have plastic surgery.
Pic related is what a real Corean looks like.
bottom far left is easily the cutest girl
but chinese women are better than korean
This thread isn't Jow Forums-related. Please use /b/ for trolling or useless image dumps.
have yellow fever and can confirm