Why are they so effeminate?

Why are they so effeminate?

Attached: 700px-Europe_polar_stereographic_Caucasus_Urals_boundary.svg.png (700x545, 136K)

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capitalist decadence has made them soft


Wtf I've never seen someone from the Marshall Islands on here before.


much love aussiebro

too civilized

do too much civilization lead to femboys and trannies?

This, not that I'm complaining

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We arent, really

Thousand years of Christianity direct castration and cuckening by Jew venom of Kikelstrianity


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i thought Australians were banned from Jow Forums?

shut the fuck up

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idk. they're super gay though.
>muh adult clothes
>muh fine cuisine
>muh pretty building

semen slurping larper

This nigga never bene to balkans

>Thousand years of Christianity direct castration and cuckening by Jew venom of Kikelstrianity
It is the same for Americans but they are more brave than Europeans

Eastern euros and my ANGLO BVLL breatheren are the only exceptions. The rest of you are gay as fuck, especially the cum slurping soibois in the nordcuck countries.

Fucking based

yes, you are

Attached: feminine cucks.jpg (2569x2000, 522K)

Anglo are manly
I have seen one anglo terrorized an entire class of French people who mocked him

Proxy or do you actually live there?

mission accomplished nigel you can come home now

Why didn't you include us whiteboi?

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no native brother

They still have foreskins.

All the brave ones died in WW1 or 2

Centuries of warring over their mutual tsundereness and the sexual tension resulting from it culled the strong, leaving only the meek to bicker instead.

Attached: futanordxfutamed.png (3592x3356, 3.18M)

It does seem that along with around 20,000 pleasurable nerve endings and fine touch receptors that the foreskin also contains a mans soul.

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all the masculine men died in WW2
same thing goes for the korean war

That's hot

Give examples of our effmination.

does this look feminine to you

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Because Western liberalism on steroids. US men are behind but on their way to becoming Euroweenie.

I used to work on Kwaj. I took the ferry into town to fuck hookers. Nice people but the place was depressing.

Compared to North American, South Americans, Australians, Asians, and Africans? Yes, you are effeminate.

Anglo bull? The same potato headed homos that let pakis, gyppos and polish run their capitol city the way they see fit?
The same pigskin vilekin that can only hurt the inebriated fans of another soccer team?
They would still walk on rags and blue bodypaint their foggy hellhole if it wasn't for roman colonizers.


t. Zhang

Because yes uwu

Attached: cute.jpg (500x375, 203K)

70+ years of self-flagellation as a penance to the god of war guilt. Wholly to blame on the American ZOG being a constant presence on their land. Imagine having your school systems ran by a cabal that tells all native children that their entire culture is evil. That's why.

This is just plain false man

is this real

>tfw no qt twink to help you improve yourself
>tfw no gym dates where you lift and he squats
>tfw no cuddles after a night of lifting him and being squatted on

Why even live bros

bro you just posted cringe bro

nice flag

hello Santiago user :3

>tfw my pure cringe will forever prevent me from getting a qt twink bf

Why even live bros