Why do asians still have african noses while caucasoids developed beaks

Why do asians still have african noses while caucasoids developed beaks

Attached: nip ladies.jpg (1632x1224, 247K)

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Why do you have a kike nose?

Attached: afrikanka japonesas.jpg (1632x1224, 256K)

why are you bald

Why has nobody else contributed nearly anything to science, arts, culture, or philosophy in over 1000 years?


peak enlightenment

because they are primitive

kike nose is peak aesthetics

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This is a kino nose.

Attached: pereti.jpg (400x542, 38K)

This is Roman nose

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You got a problem with that?

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injuns have kino noses too

Attached: andean.jpg (960x1440, 523K)

The dev points of the nose has been placed to the slanty eyes.
Scientifically, asian has elevated cheek skull that squish the nose's fats forward, hence the nose looks flatter.

greek > roman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all else
unfortunately i have nordic nose....

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now I look better

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Attached: nosecel.jpg (640x938, 67K)

Those are not african noses, african noses are bigger, same shape than chink noses but bigger.


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>just workout and be yourself bro

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I think beak noses are developed to withstand harsh desert climate, which Asians don't need

that flat nose came from China or the Philippines, not our original phenotype.
Judging by pics of Ainu descendants and Okinawans, Japanese nose is quite normal.

Slant eyes are developed to withstand the harsh sun of Siberia, where first Mongoloid came

Plastic surgery exists.

i heard it was for the wind

I think north east Asians have mostly deer noses
Pig noses come from tropical areas like southeast Asia and south China due

Blinding light of the ocean doesn't explain the wider eyes most original/non-mutt SEA has.

More shitty pseudo physionomy.

Give me a good reason why are those shitty doodles still used as a golden standard when we have pictures and research methods.

Abo genes unironically

t. young chimpanzee

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post op

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Id like to put my peepee on those japanese lips

Attached: Nozomi_Sasaki.png (541x513, 230K)

>indonesians are black african

I don't understand.

do you know what malay noses look like?

Why are blacks so retarded

Why is her ((""nose"")) like that?
kinda creepy ngl

Attached: Muke.png (264x277, 148K)

I've seen this before.
It's a shame, black people are so irrelevant to world history that they have to pretend they impacted cultures they had no part in.
The people in the comments are fucking delusional, Christ. Literally 'WE WUZ ASIANZ'.

jesus chinksects are right when they complain about having flat faces. actual pancake bugeyed thing.

Asian noses are actually curved like that it's just that they don't usually protrude enough to show it

kara boga

pure malays have highly varied nose compared to chinese actually. I have high nosebridge, small nostril but raised and bulbous tip.
the only shared quality among malays is that bulbous round tip

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das rite

extremely based and redpilled