Lithuanians are the whitest people in the world

Lithuanians are the whitest people in the world.

What does the race-obsessed Jow Forums (Jow Forums-lite) think about this?

Attached: 124D6B28-EC5F-4472-98FF-728317070074.png (990x1484, 76K)

they really should remain undeveloped to prevent further immigration

Why are Americans so race-obsessed?

They'll shriek ans cry, but will not acknowledge the truth. Just watch.

Post a white Lithuanian

Sufjan Stevens

they're also the drunkest and most suicidal. i guess that's what neanderthal dna does to you

Here. The whitest Lithuanian ever.

Attached: 300px-Mindaugas_murza.jpg (300x435, 16K)

why is their iq so low?

Attached: iq map.jpg (650x607, 191K)

High IQ is a sign of having Mongol admixture.

Small sample size probably

>Small sample size
>You now realize that Iceland is in Europe

then why is the russian iq so low?


>these people are whiter than me, a superior American? IMPOSSIBLE

Attached: 1544360760945.png (686x798, 33K)

As white as them Slavs can get.

Attached: Mockus.jpg (800x1067, 175K)

You're right t. bh I might be the only American who doesn't place much value on race

Lithuanians aren’t slavs. They are noble baltic people

>noble baltic people
You mean Slavs?

why does their country shape and flag color scheme remind me of africa?

Attached: Lithuania_flag_map.png (2048x1604, 45K)

No, Baltic.

don’t forget that their most popular sport is basketball

Attached: some old picture soviet lithuania 1970.jpg (700x707, 131K)

Attached: a-friend.png (581x450, 224K)

they look so elfish

Attached: vitaljus.jpg (540x506, 29K)