
>being a papist retard
Congratulations, you've just won a free ticket to the gas chambers!

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This is the same institution that used to rally crusades lmao

>my branch of sky daddy worship better than your branch of sky daddy worship

Got to admire his dedication to his footfag fetish
One woman showing feet is enough for him to just dropping everything in a meeting to give em a deep hearty sniff


I pray with all my willpower this faggot gets shot or blown up one day

dilate pagan

Jesus literally did this in the bible, not saying i agree with it but it is far more christ-like than launching a crusade or being an american style conservacuck

Feetfags are cringe

Jesus wasnt a repressed footfag tho

it's almost like he was a retarded faggot

Jesus never kissed nigger or muslim feet


ahahhahaha, another couple of memes like this and the church will be lined with boys to rape xDD

Jesus would have done the same

Jesus would have staged a public diversity foot washing ceremony for PR?
I doubt it.

Imagine the smelle

why would that be an excuse?

Kiss nigger feet Christcuck

Catholics are the pagans, you'd rather worsip saints over God himself

That's cause Muslims weren't a thing back then nigga

Jesus surrounded himself with prostitues and poorfags if he ever met a negro he'll slurp his feet

Because there's nothing strange in a pope that behaves like Jesus. Being religious is retarded pope or not