What makes Asian girls so cute?

What makes Asian girls so cute?

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look at that nigger nose


Being a wh*te incel

straight black hair is kawaii

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Where did Asians come from?


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shes even cuter at the bottom

Can Zipperhead fetishists please fuck off already? Go make your own or something.

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Why do jap pornstars with big tits seem to have better tits and ass than american pornstars? Are they natural or do the japs have some special form of implants?

they have different types of implants that make them look more natural

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DUDE imagine when deepfake becomes jew endorsed we could implant photoshops of the perfect girls over average women's feces faces.

>What makes Asian girls so cute?
Photoshop, makeup and plastic surgery.
Asians IRL all have pancake faces.

Chinks are such ugly creatures. Not even Africans are that ugly.

Just delete the thread janny-tranny, I've reported it already. You are being a biased faggot.

>jav star looks as good or better in the video than on the cover
>why yes i am speaking of julia how did you know?

Only weaboo likes Asian girls.

Glasses for their eyes

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Make my own zipperheads? In due time.

>tfw you learned that asian women have the most disgusting farts

>I would love to parade in some gook country and have all the thirsty, self-hating gook women gawping and throwing themselves at me... only for my blonde, German qt girlfriend to walk right through them towards me and kiss me in front of them all

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this is like the reverse of when males get mogged