Why are so many traditional Scandinavian dishes just basically rotten fish?

Why are so many traditional Scandinavian dishes just basically rotten fish?

Attached: lutefisk.jpg (340x318, 26K)

Why are American dishes just shit

Attached: WHO_ORDERED_THE_POO_POO_PLATTER.webm (432x768, 1.94M)

>we need to find some way to store this shit long term
>yea alright this works, good enough

>Why is the food of a cold place with access to the sea fish?
Gee I fucking wonder why you dicklet.

I mean they could've made a fire.

are you retarded

I guess so

>rotten fish
Only surströmming and hàkarl comes to mind and they are not something most people would eat frequently.

>so many
name fifty

Only a KlKE would download and post something like that. You are all scat-obsessed.

Yeah you fricking kike jew!!!

Because rotting food is healthy.

they god a taste for it after fucking anglo women

because rotten fish is delicious

>american geography


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completely understandable


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they look kinda blend except for the deserts

youre a fucking blend of jap and chink

bland af what point were you trying to prove

t. 90% of cuisine is raw fish served with rice and soy sauce

i meant bland, but yea
this is wrong

>opinion on food

we dont need to put in 50 spices to make a dish taste good unlike your c*jun quisine

M*d peepo be like this fish be too fermented yo

I would be completely okay with that lifestyle.

>calls our cuisine bland af
>is willing to live like gollum for the rest of his life

but I like your food too
I'm a different user
I just really like fish from any country

you should try the final boss

my non-swedish gf actually liked it

Attached: 1024px-Serving_Surströmming.jpg (690x462, 92K)

As if you even know what you're looking at

i see a lot of potatoes so yea

Any carb is bland on their own, rice is even worse.

looks pretty good but I'm not quite sure where I could find that in my area

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Yeah you open it outside in a bowl underwater. Then you put it on a crispbread or flatbread with creme fraiche and red onions.

Just laughed really hard in university and everyone is looking at me right now.

All krautists are awkward as fuck.

I assume it's like salted fish but with a funky taste and a God awful smell?

Stinks like fucking shite

Our fish is god-tier, tho

Attached: sautc3a9ed-norwegian-salmon-with-creamy-potato-salad_large.jpg (618x355, 40K)


>Left: Fish Diet
>Right: Burger diet

Attached: last ned (2).jpg (1097x450, 106K)

He lost most of his weight.
But his wife cheated on him and people left him because angry fat guy no longer works

Attached: Boogie2988.jpg (640x360, 46K)

he's also a massive hypocrite

swedes eat rotten fish we eat boiled sheep heads

Well yes he was since the beginning

It tastes fermented (a bit like some moldy cheeses) and the smell mostly comes from the liquid in the can so it's ong that bad when you have it on a piece of bread.

Why rotten? Why not eat smoked or salted fish like normal people?

its perfect emergency food. if you preserve a bunch of fish by fermenting it nobody is going to steal it when your village is raided.