Why do you get mad when someone insults your country?
Why do you get mad when someone insults your country?
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no, because i probably hate my country more than they do
Because I'm real countryman unlike you slav-paki rapebaby.
>browsed Jow Forums for years and years
I'm far past that
I got mad only if it's false edgy occusitions.
If it's fair critic even harsh I'm fine.
did putin mainpulate the elections?
You're not in a position to tell false from true. You only know what they tell you. The same happens anywhere else.
Who knows, but that's arguable topic that don't piss me at all.
When someone posts something like "every russian loves borstch with no exception" or "russians are always drunk" I can be sure that's not true yet some people here think they know better for everyone and everything and that arrogance piss me.
Why would I get mad over insults? I live in the most powerful country in the world, I feel secure in that
I don't care about my country. I don't care about my state. I don't care about my city. I only care about my direct family and partially about my indirect relatives.
How do you feel about Dugin? I wish he becomes the next president of ROSSIYA.
Reminder that this girl is a literal whore that you can buy for the night
He's kinda funny, but not considered a mighty political weight here from what I see.
I don't. People here are cold, judgemental and unjustifiedly arrogant drones with a slave mentality. I care for my friends and family, the construct that is my country, state and nation doesn't mean shit to me.
He is a pro-Putin degenerate with absurd kitsch ideas and outrageous remarks. If you want "modern indie philosophy" try Alexander Bouriac instead of him.
Link on link inside:
>You're not in a position to tell false from true.
Then who else is lol?
I don't. I'm mad when my own countrymen in this imageboard is the one who does it. It shows how underage they are.
America has had monopoly on truth for quite some time.
I don't I find it cute.