I will start off with an overlooked part of the revolutions of 1920s/late 1910s, the Hungarian Soviet Republic. The Soviet Republic arose as a coup against the liberal government but it eventually failed due to the Reds in Germany and Russia failing to resupply them before the surrounding neighbors of Romania and Czechoslovakia crushed them. Their attempt to reconquer lost hungarian lands only led to their defeat which was also one of many defeats in the Europe by the capitalist forces. Their defeat shows the failures of the revolution in Europe and the inevitable isolation/corrupetion of the RSFSR, The white terror that followed the fall of the Hungarian Soviet Republic was even worse than the Red Terror executed by the revolutionary goverment.

Attached: hu-flag.jpg (728x425, 11K)

Other urls found in this thread:

They shouldn't have invaded their neighbours

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>Goulash is a stew or soup of meat and vegetables usually seasoned with paprika and other spices. Originating in medieval Hungary, goulash is a popular meal predominantly eaten in Central Europe but also in other parts of Europe. It is one of the national dishes of Hungary and a symbol of the country. Wikipedia

please someone reply to this thread I want attention

Almost everyone has that type of shit in Eastern Europe.

thanks for giving me attention

Hungarians revolted in 1848 revolutions but they were eventually defeated due to Russians being called in. But they were really hard to subdue for the Austrians which made them call for foreign support. Their revolt led to more power for the Hungarian part of the Empire.

>goulash is a stew
only in prague and other uncultured foodthieving places

Attached: ohfuck.gif (300x224, 1.31M)

I thought the guy who was roasting amerimutts was a hungarian so I made this thread just for him but I had realized that that guy was bulgarian instead. I feel quite stupid.

>American education

Attached: thatscute.gif (340x223, 1.99M)

But if I didn't had a brain how would I be breathing?

stop shaming me

A Habsburgok megvásárolták a magyar trónt. A 48-as forradalom meg ennél komplikáltabb volt, aztán a Kieegyezés után kiszíneztek mindent, hogy még a nagyszüleim is azokat az ökörségeket böfögték fel.
Foglalkozzál te inkább a drága jó anyáddal.

Valami paprikáskrumpli izére hasonlít.

I've been to Hungary and I loved it. 10/10 would live there and marry that qt from Debrecen I met.

How did you not realise when you searched for the Magyar flag and something different showed up?

Can you even find it on a map without Google?