Why's it so fucking poor?

why's it so fucking poor?

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Shut up fat

Western exploitation

Whoa there buddy

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rich countries = 99% cucks
poor countries = 100% BVLLs

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Soviet exploitation

because you financed communism and killed nationalism

East European women >>>>> W*st European women

no unity, no resources, the ppl are sick in the head, too many wars in the region

but its still 2nd best place to live after 1st world cunts, also remove slovenia, its not poor

Poland superpower by 2055 unironically

It is poor though

the real answer? Geography.

You can blame the slavs too. There was never a rich slav country

Being constantly plagued by major powers doesn't help

one of these major powers were one of your own though

it isnt though

Stop lying


>be american
>become sick
>can't afford healthcare
>become poor

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v4 started developing. Or at least so it seems. Others will follow.

We have skyscapers, 2 gorrillion Ukrainians and Uber Eats fucker. You really don't know this?


same, but it;s still a shithole though

Chaddumper, is that you?

French made sure that after WW1 all previously existing markets were destroyed.

Americans made sure that Russians will rob it after WW2.

Russia is Central European.

Communism, as this map shows.

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only USSR was communist in 1938

He is trying to imply that it's not because of communism.

>pooland and gypsystan was even poorer than soviet russia.

Low IQ population

The whole eastern bloc post soviet is poor as fuck. Even east germany to some degree. We got it in the ass following our allegiance with Germany in WWII when we decided to barbarossa and invade russia which gave them cassus belli on us after the invasion went to all shit. MULTUMIM CAPITANE!!

Didnt read the thread how much of it are butthurtbelter slav(e)s whining about gommunism and Roosiya?

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No. Who is Chaddumper?
Only in Moscow and Petersburg or in the most cities?