Why of all the western civilized countries USA is most obsessed with religion compare to others?
Why of all the western civilized countries USA is most obsessed with religion compare to others?
Because US is force of good while atheistic communist Europeans have lost their ways.
USA is neither Western, civilized or religious. They pretend to be, but they are not.
Loads of evangelical influence and rural tards to suck it up. Also it has way more people.
T. Uralic chink
I would like to ask you a different question. Why did Europeans convert to atheism?
this, I'm agnostic
evolution? trying to understand thing and not just saying this is how it is and how it should be or how it will be forever
all of europes religious nutjobs and religous splinter groups that were not accepted here fled to the usa. thats why you find so many different denominations there. here its pretty much just split between catholics and lutherans. there are some others like baptists but not many and they keep to themselves.
>Why did Europeans convert to atheism?
you dont convert to atheism you just stop believe it, for us we were never really that religious but rather practical we could allied with muslim or protestant if its nesseserry, plus revolution blabla priest and king all must hang
Because they're dumb
>Why did Europeans convert to atheism?
We are all born atheist, there's no conversion needed.
in the case of germany I would say religion classes. might seem counterintuitive but we are learning about our religion not taugh to believe it.
there is nothing that turns you into an atheist faster than the old testament.
we also learn about other religions though less in detail.
The real question is why they worship Isreal so much
they unironically think that a state of israel has to exist for the second coming of christ and beginning the apocalypse.
Because America was literally founded by Puritans, religious fanatics.
They were extremely strict, and believed in covering the whole body with clothes. They thought that any outward expression of happiness was sinful, and that the greatest virtue in life was found through work work work. They would never sing, or drink, or play games, or swear. Even today you find this attitude dominating America, it's part of the heritage of the founding. For example the taboos on swearing and sexual stuff.
But since America developed, it has been a religious battlefield for various protestant sects (and Catholics arrived eventually too). We even have a whole slew of "home grown" religions, such as the Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Evangelicals, and many others. Why are Americans so religious? Maybe it's because Europe deported all it's deeply religious people here, so we got a higher concentration? Who knows.
This religious impulse can be observed in Americans tendency to glom onto conspiracy theories, or believe mass media. The battle for the mind of America still rages, just as it has for hundreds of years.
My dad bought into this shit and says its americas duty to serve israel
Isn't that literally what ISIS believes though?
why the fuck do you people want to end the world? whats wrong with you?
American Christianity is fake.
They are actually Satanists and use name of Christ to cover their crimes.
dunno muslims might share some of the apocalypse lore with christians, never checked.
but its what americans believe and its why you can trust american foreign policy in the middle east to always be distructive.
I'm a Quaker :)
I blame puritans.
i like your oats