most superior passport
Most superior passport
That bottom left kanji looks like a church
t. third worder
to bad you don't have one
Bottom right looks like goatse
I love Japan anyway
50% Jow Forums jap flag are not Jap.
why are you getting mad?
this is true
are you japanese?
90% or more
>Bottom right looks like goatse
lol it does
There are no Japanese on Jow Forums, they have their own website.
Middle top character
OUR country keep falling down
lmao I was going to say this
>text in english on a passport
better than europe's parasite like you
no oil for you. based digits tho
日本国 旅券
these Chinese characters are called 篆書体.(pic related)
I came here because i got sick of them
心 looks like penis
whatever you say weeb
>on your passport
Yeah I know
first time hearing 印相体 though, is that a real font?
your digit is nice
you only need simplified chinese
don't care
why are you getting mad suddenly
suddenly? idk
i just hate whites like you
Chinese (Kanji) is like an alphabet of east asia
Japs are ugly manlets
it's joke
don't be serious
so thats why they are so racist
There is no date or a thread number and the filename is suspicious
You're right so be kind to us.
Superior passport coming through
But do you have an animated moose?
>Literally says "poor" on his paspoort
That's cool
>English on his passport
Fuck off no one use simplified shit here
and which passport would that be?
you should get mad because that passport is written in English
/ro/ - Firul Nostru is romanian general on Jow Forums
We us it in north-west and central Transylvania
thanks! it's my first time seing norweagian passpoort
then you're incel?
And what led you to such an assumption.
lol m8
we have thousands of jap exchange student girls and they all have british white boyfriends
while what you posted is just porn screencaps of vids filmed by insecure betas
calm down
It's a Japanese joke.
Probably illegal
are you telling me that you folk get cucked by the Japanese?
>Superior passport you said.
How can one be so butthurt
>Soviet map drawing skills
yeah, white seems to get schiz by asian
It's probably gypsy stole from Japnese traveller
Why are white poeple easily getting mad?
I've never seen Asians or Middle Easterns being this mad online.
Oh no no no
Japanese get mad easy and start being racist against whites everytime
schiz by what? asians being inferior in every single aspect
please tell us how many nobel prize us as and uk have and how many japan has
300 vs 20?
>t. engrishu tichiaru
lol no its not, the only two cunts left that use that shit
You can't win the Nobel Prize with your head tho
Is there a difference between Hong Kongese and Macanese characters?
that man is germanic, not anglo
Most powerful passport is any EU passport thanks to Schengen Area. Who cares about visa free travel to 3rd world shitholes?
Honesty, hangul is just a joke.
it looks like a language used by aliens
That's not english you dumb jap
calm down anglo.
It's a Japanese joke.
bruh moment
you seem to be not to understand the context
What are the other two kanji?
Hantai chuubun
fuck off
qt…so qt desu
shut the fuck up
kill yourself bitch
Why are japs always so butthurt?
shut the fuck up bitch
Why are japs always so butthurt?
fuck up chinks
>racist against whites