
Where my /med/ niggas at?

Attached: med_union.png (960x477, 224K)

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bouches du rhone reporting in

3rd Rome reporting in


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sup bros

Malta done ballooned up

what went wrong?

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your mom

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go to sleep son

Hi fellow meds

You’re only med if you’re from south france

remove portugal or else

>Hey I'm me-

Attached: gun5.png (680x797, 318K)

best girl

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Hey friends

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You're literally a snow nig-
>no british isles
Absolutly based


so sad

Attached: qt dia de los muertos.jpg (864x1080, 60K)

I live 10 mins away from the med sea

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>destroys the republic
23 stabs weren't enough

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that's not Sulla though

Belgium is honorary med.

That was a cute OVA

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>Jordan isn't in even tho we are Levantines

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Thank God he did it.

You have no access to the med sea

same with Portugal but they were included

>tfw no terrona gf

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I was blessed by being born in a region were most of the girls are of mixed french/italian origin.
Trust me, they are great

>tfw no cougar gf

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How many times you posted this? What's wrong with you, Achmed?

everything about that show is cute
the girls are cute
the episodes are cute
the tanks are the cutest
it is perfect

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How is sex with older women? I got to test someday

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how do you do fellow mediterraneans
>mfw from behind the Dinarid mountain range

Attached: fellowkids.jpg (900x720, 87K)

They are Iberian

and Jordanians are Levantines

>mfw 10 minute drive away from the Atlantic Ocean
hello fellow Mediterranean friend

Attached: yukari binoculars.jpg (733x1000, 86K)

yugoslav med
iberian med

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italic med

Attached: fluff salute.jpg (850x932, 120K)

terrible post

>région sud

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It kept going downhill from ~400 AD to the 1800s. After that, it was only supported by rich cairenes going there during their vacations lol.

>10 minute drive
Heh I'm 2.5km from the sea that's 10min of running if you run past red lights

also Israeli user I think you were mentioning me in previous /mena/ thread
What's up?

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I imagine myself in eurasia, leading my Hoplites. Our mission is to genocide and rape and stop p*rsians/n*rdcucks/st*ppeniggers dogs from advancing. We mow down p*rsians/n*rdcucks/s*ppeniggers dogs but they keep coming. I shoot p*rsians/n*rdcucks/s*ppeniggers dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my xopis and begin slaughtering p*rsians/n*rdcucks/s*ppeniggers, since p*rsians/n*rdcucks/s*ppeniggers are way more psychially inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn't fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. p*rsians/n*rdcucks/st*ppeniggers were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see Zeus, Ares and Poseidon smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in sparta, my homeland. My SPARTAN brethen gave me a warm welcome to elyseum. I finally made it, I finally made it into elyseum..

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I live a bit further away but there's a highway connection that goes directly to the seaside part of town, that's why it's so fast

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I'm banned from all board's lads

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I don't post on mena really.
I don't have a car, driving license is too expensive.. Converted its between 1200-1400 euros if you don't fail the exam and aren't a slow learner

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so you weren't the Israeli that wanted to talk to me?

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tuga mais perigoso do recinto


There's more than one Israeli.

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Thank you,thank you

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The mermaids

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I'm actually still getting my drivers license, only started classes a couple months ago

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Attached: naked getaway driver.webm (640x360, 2.17M)

Welcome home :D

Oh, is it expensive?

about 600€!
and if you fail the exams you pay about another 100€ for the extra classes...

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Roman, Ottoman, Arab and Germanic rapebabbies

>about 600€!
>and if you fail the exams you pay about another 100€ for the extra classes...
That's not too bad

Are Persians honorary meds?

Can Scotland into med?

Celts are meds

Why yes of course I'm a Roman rapebaby.
If DNA tests were legal here I'd take them but we're like France..

but we portuguese are poorfags

Attached: katyusha a cute.jpg (1008x1429, 142K)

Yeah it's about a tad less than minimum wage while here it's about minimum wage.

de chocolate

Attached: de chocolate.jpg (600x697, 91K)

wish we weren't so poor lol

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At least you probably don't have a massive housing bubble... Right?

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actually housing prices are sky-rocketing in the cities, have been for years with the tourism boom after the financial crisis
but it's alright, my family actually owns some apartments in the city and at least we're making a nice profit out of it

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Must be nice...

>all these animefags on my /med/

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it's not really my money, but it's nice to know the family has some financial security

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oh god ov god an actual female(female) ???? i'm gonna COOOOOMMMMM

please consider the following
thank you

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It will be yours eventually?
Here people can only get a house or apartment if they had one beforehand or if they are willing to take a loan they'll pay back until they're 70...

You forgot Sweden?


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I didn't know bedouin BVLLS would bother identifying as l*vantines.

French is the only normal language in the world tbf

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What happens tomorrow? Second movie BD release?

what makes you think so

No I just have some interview that would take a few hours...

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Why must you falsely raise my hopes? Animeposting is serious bzns

>It will be yours eventually?
not until I'm at least seventy I hope, and then it'll be split with my siblings

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we all want das Finale 2 user...

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The second part will come out soon enough.
Found some kot outside inspecting garbage

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Yes that's probably true..
Still good for you...
There was a young kot behind it on the ground, was cute.