Be flip

>be flip
>water and power providers are privatized
>water and power is expensive and shortages are common
>public transportation is privatized
>busses are expensive and are fighting for customers causing mayhem and traffic
>no strong zoning laws (only place without one)
>farms of poor farmers are demolished for subdvisions for the rich
>roads are privatized
>therefore closed to many and a chief cause of traffic
>airports are privarized
>worst airports in the world
>telecommunications are privatized
>slowest internet in Asia

So this is the ""paradise"" ancapistanis would love to have. How quaint.

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kaguya is so cute

Go away dickhead.

Just become a chinese autonomous region.


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Ancaps are probably the most retarded people in the political arena
Probably born rich with their lavosh lifestyles that common sense and street smarts elude then

The problem isn't capitalism, it's that for capitalism to work you need a population with an average IQ higher than 75. That automatically excludes the Philippines.

>it isn't the IDEOLOGY it's the IQ!!! I swear!!
God, you people just can't shut up can you? You're even sprouting ad hominem with no substance.
Now we can't even make public transport public again, irreversible at this point

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Milton Friedman should've fried.

We should listen to based Keynes instead

you are not cute

Who said I was?
Kaguya is cute.

you're forgetting about anarcho commies, that's the top of mental retardation


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YUHHHHH but I agree. We don't get what we pay for in this shithole.

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We need socialism

True ancapism has never been tried.

What’s wrong with your cunt?
>The Age of Consent in Philippines is 12 years old.

Ancapistanism is a meme

It’s an adult form of autism.

Do you really want our incompetent and corrupt government managing those shit? Privatization is the least worst option for our sorry asses.