British: Can u Swim?

>British: Can u Swim?
>Indian: No
>British: Then a Dog is Better thaan u because It Swims.
>Indian: Can u Swim?
>British: Yes!
>Indian: Then What's the Difference between u & Dog…
>British Shocked,Faints!! Indian Rocks!

Attached: 1519287545266(2).png (288x292, 124K)

Other urls found in this thread:

2020 soon bros

Dogs shit on streets

>indians can't swim

is that a meme?

okay this is based
india 4ever

Attached: mahatma_gandhi_1565267403.jpg (600x900, 38K)

>Mathematician: How to write 4 in between a 5?
>China: Is this a Joke?
>Japan: Impossible!
>America: The question's wrong!!
>UK: Rubbish !!
>India: F(IV)E
This is the reason you find Indians everywhere in the world in finance, business, medicine, engineering & arts... anything to do with optimising your brain!!

Attached: 1566616552136.jpg (705x960, 189K)


Stone age people called, they want their jokes back

This stopped being funny the first few days it was posted.

>European : Y do U indians come in all colors, look at us,we R all white..?
>Abdul Kalam: Horses too come in different colors but donkeys R all the same..!!!

Attached: 1539425387798.png (624x434, 126K)

छोटे डच और अर्जेंटीना के दिमाग भारतीय हास्य को नहीं समझ सकते

swimming is first world privilege

Irony culture nowadays got out of hand so much that it became more common to deliberately post unfunny things and laugh at it, rather than making actually funny and meaningful posts.

It's characteristic for shithole countries.

Attached: Shithole Bingo.png (717x674, 37K)

What starts with an E, ends with an E and contains one letter?
>Britbong: E?
>Chinese: uhhhh me not kno....
>Japanese: .... idk
>Amerimutt: uhhhh dunno man
Everyone other than Indians BTFO

Attached: 1564165952705.png (373x639, 240K)

>it's possible for convicted criminals to hold public office
What a weird requirement. Convicts can also hold public office here when elected. It's a requirement of democracy because without it you can convict political opponents for the most minor stuff and shut them down

>Convicts can also hold public office here when elected
Do you have an example?

Einstein & a Indian sitting next to each other on a long flight...

Einstein says:
"Let's play a game...
I will ask you a question,
if you don't know the answer,
you pay me only $5
if I don't know the answer,
I will pay you $500..."

Einstein asks the first question:
What's the distance from the Earth to the Moon...?

Indian doesn't say a word,
Reaches his pocket,
Pulls out a $5...

It's the indian turn...

He asks Einstein:
What goes up a hill with 3 legs
comes down on 4 legs..?

Einstein searches the net and asks all his smart friends...
After an hour he gives Indian $500...

Einstein going nuts and asks:
so what goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four..?

Indian reaches his pocket and gives Einstein $5...

Einstein fainted.....

Attached: 1538415529810.jpg (250x250, 8K)

haha liked and owned... india #1!!1!!

Attached: e45.png (880x759, 1.07M)

We've had 4 members of parliament with a criminal conviction.
1 account for abuse of power
1 for insulting the monarch
1 for insulting a justice servant
And 1 for preaching hate

Now imagine the right winger who got a conviction for spreading hate, which Geert Wilders will have soon as well, would be excluded from the democratic process

Did you get that from Google translate

>1 for insulting the monarch
yeah, I don't know a word of hindi and im not indian in any way

Attached: shithole bingp.png (717x674, 57K)

Is it punishable to insult your monarch and head of state Queen Lizzy?

India deserves Britain for that alone, 2020 is closer than ever

it probably is but I can't imagine anybody actually getting punished for it, unlike in the netherlands where they actually do with some regularity

All those convictions are due to people threatening to kill them or calling them whores etc on camera.

>"they want their joke back" jokes

Attached: images (34).jpg (250x174, 6K)

>3 bingos

Attached: 2019_09_23_11.26.50.jpg (717x674, 310K)

90% true

pls nuke us now and end our misery

>reading this thread with an Indian accent

Actually laughed out loud at this one

itt p*kistani dogs
you besterd bitchess will get your due one day

Attached: finland.png (1080x1680, 371K)

india is actually based

In Finland, it is possible for convicted criminals to hold public office.

Some of our politicians are celebs, mostly minor though.

People abandon summer cats so there are some stray animals.

The church provides welfare through food handouts:


Attached: Skärmklipp.png (905x827, 267K)