What are the benefits of learning German?

I already know a couple benefits, but I'm curious if there are any more?

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there are none (unironically). It's a useless language. I'd rather learn spanish or french as a foreigner.

I feel like you're hiding something from me.


German qts

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I know u don't want people learning your language

It's the most requested language in the European job market, and people in Germany itself do not speak English as well as people make it out to be
>inb4 everyone speaks English
They do, but they're not as fluent as Scandis.

Also opera, literature and shiet.

I couldn't care less, I just don't see how it would be useful for anyone.

Everyone wants to komm hier and wörk hier. Naturally they need to learn German.

Reading Heidegger in german would be nice.

No user it's us that have to learn english so that the foreigners that live here don't feel excluded

1. reading goethe
2. reading philosophical autism
3. watching germ kjno
4. more employement opportunities in engineering

>1. reading goethe
>2. reading philosophical autism
>3. watching germ kjno
>4. more employement opportunities in engineering

All of our geezers get their asses wiped by foreign qts, need to lörn German for that.

Language schools here are FULL of people learning it preparing themselves to be Germany's cheap sla- workforce who'll also pay for their Nazi boomers pensions

Any qt's among them?

Chic factor
Maybe you will seem more dominant or aggressive or both to people who do not speak German


Other than migrating to Germany, singing German marches or understanding the best version of Wikipedia - none

based rarestan

How difficult is it to get a visa and work in Germany ?

haha how sad

learn arabic instead