Family will be hosting a german exchange qt for a month, what am I in for?

Family will be hosting a german exchange qt for a month, what am I in for?

Attached: lonelygf3.webm (640x900, 1.59M)

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how should we know?
no person is the same

You still live with your family? Are you an incel?

How tall is Maria?

only incels will talk about incels

So you admit that you are an incel?

yes,i guess and so are you

Don't shoot her

You are in for a lot of oral and anal sex.
You should thank your parents for bringing her over.

who is the tall girl? Asking for a friend


you are in for the most horrible days of your life it will be like hell

It will most likely be awkward and uncomfortable since it's a weird situation to be put in a family on the other side of the globe.

at least 6 feet

when wil this meme die?

yes but i'm not old enough to move out yet

i don't know but try to be friendly with her you won't regret it
i hope it's a muslim girl

leech of your parents as long as you can

>when wil this meme die?
When you solve your mass shooting problem

Dont think Muslim girls to on exchange programs. Also I remember a turk from Germany exchange student was shot in America because he was on someone's property

it was a bait, the owner left his garage open and wallet out and waited for someone to show up so he can shoot them

she's embarassed because some creep is filming her

not all countries get free apartment and thousands of euros for not living with your family

Probably funny shit memes are true about America

How else will she experience American culture.

not probably

A lot of the memes about Americans have some truth to them but a lot are exaggerated to piss off the south

The turk still behaved in a dumb manner. You don't enter foreign people's garages.

that maybe true but it does not warrant death
same can be said about any stranger going anywhere, you are not suppose to expect some guy ready to shoot you without notice or warning

there is no rationale to defend the murderer

Attached: Screenshot_20190923_192844.jpg (1080x1050, 245K)

70 years with parole