Fuck american white girls

American white girls are fucking mean. She e-dated the guy for 2 years and IRL she rejects him. Watch the video, she even disgusted, she does not want that the guy touches her hands.


I feel bad for him

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He acts like an autist and is ugly
She is beautiful and looks like she wants to get away from them but dont want to hurt him that much
I feel bad for her for being around creepy asians

I'm surprised normies didn't know this is what being a manlet is like
He should have know better though desu

What's up with the large sweat and jean ? I noticed many american girls wear this.

>I called him an incel can I have sex

She's creeped out because there's a chink filming them. She is also just finding out how much of a beta the other chink is IRL. If he met her alone, it would have gone better.

i never insulted anyone as incel don't lump me together with you soyboys also i am not a whiteknight


Why even upload that?

Stfu Shahar

changlets BTFO

what an autistic freak

To show to the world the cruelty of white american girls

i can't imagine how much more difficult life would be for me if i was short

Niggas who believe this is real have never been hugged by a girl before

Why he is autistic ?

zoomer attention whoring you mean

what kind of gimp puts his hands on around his mouth like that? just awkward social behavior

stfu, here the full sad video


he doesn't know how to talk properly and at the beggining he jumped on her like a woman would do to her lover and fell down lmao

Yes lmao I watched it all the way through, based on that I say that you have to be a khv incel to believe any of this.

>Brings all his buddies to meet his E girlfriend
>Hand covering mouth
>High pitched voice
>Can't sing
>Friend sucks at guitar and can't keep rhythm
It would be a yikes for everyone

It's America, not your country Bulguria. In America they drink 2 liter of soda per meal, police officers shoot random guy for nothing, they bought bath water from a random girl etc

Why are you seething this hard? Why do you self insert as the chink when you're a Nafri bvll?

men brotherhood, bro

Fuck that noise, I don't need to rely on Incel's to get laid.

>she's beautiful


do people really do this?

what is satire

my cousins did
2 times married ended in 2 divorces and he is only 35

Extremely common for flyovers. Pretty easy to get nudes and have girls willing to have phone sex after talking for like half an hour.
t.Some dude from California whose phone is full of roastie nudes.

>homie dude he is short, and extremely beta hiding his face with his hands

only rich ugly asians can get wh*Te girls, if you are average or worse and poor, its over

>Trick getting used for 2 years straight

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kek rekt

>She e-dated the guy for 2 years

how to do this?

How do you start DMing somenoe and dating them?
Can spmoe teach me wtf, if this guy can do it then so can I.

Attached: gook.gif (480x282, 414K)

just be yourself


Who the fucks do that ? And even more thinks it serious ?
I could be a e-Warren Beaty lmao.