Russia bros

russia bros....

Attached: 019jr093.png (6576x3990, 1.31M)

Other urls found in this thread:

the eastern menace is finally dead

Russians need to HAVE SEX

I volunteer

Attached: russian grill.jpg (960x1200, 153K)

On top of that, alot of the growth in the red regions is being propped up by the steppe chads.

This map is proof that Russia is wh*te (which is bad)

Ok bend over
Easterner from Russia is USA so you are right.

bruh moment

Attached: Total-fertility-rate-graph-1.png (517x418, 17K)

that photoshop tho...

People have lots of sex, just with condom and pills and if that fails abortion.
No one want to make kids in this economy except for muslims.


Attached: 369c74c1-ec05-430b-92e7-2590a6ce586a.png (4765x6618, 1.69M)

shutup jealous roastie
that's what the average russian girl is like

>they call it "sexual revolution" in the w*st
The Irony


>Creating shitty annoying spawn that would demand attention and suck your wallet dry in current economy and in this fucking country
I won't fall for this meme

So the UK is having alot of kids? Fucked up the arrow placements

that's weird
We legalised abortion in 1967 but it dropped before that.
Wonder what the catalyst was.

Either way Europeans need to fuck more.
WAY more.

>being that stupid and annoying bitch
You are describing yourself you nigger.


Attached: russia-rural-fertility.png (1262x904, 167K)


Attached: Total-Fertility-Rate-TFR-Denmark-1901-2014-From-Statistics-Denmark-http-www.png (850x443, 72K)

Ruskies naturally look good

even dagestan is in red on the image
Putin recently visited Dagestan due to the anniversary of the war or something and some woman said the average Dagestani has 4-5 kids.
A complete lie. The 2017 fertility rate fro Dagestan was 1.91.

Based Archangelsk bvlls, my grandma was born there

We need MORE girls. Unironically
Send qts!

based indigenous

Why can't wh*tes just have sex?


What caused it to suddenly dip?
Oil? Was it the oil thing?

We must make oil expensive again.

Russia need to adopt Islam and beat thots with stones.
This is only the way.

Fuck off breeder
Shit out more kids to live in poverty

Get out from my country dog.

What about HIV epidemic?

What's wrong with poverty? Kids are more important than (((money))).

feminism, communism, jewish propaganda, destruction of family values

Churkas bring it here.

I don't know man even the muslim republics are under 2. With the exception of Chechnya but that's expected because they are high T.

Attached: 1516302500630.jpg (720x798, 70K)

>Having daughters so that Koreans and Chinese can come every summer to fuck them.
>Having poor lads, so they can rob your money when they run out of vodka
Thirdies shouldn't have kids.

Glad they did something good.

Kill them.


Weirdly: Georgia actually has an above replacement fertility rate right now.

In 2017 they had a fertility rate of 2.14.
This makes them the only European USSR country to have a non-dead fertility rate.

>HIV epidemic

so they are white at last

churkobes pls

orthodox church would never let it happen

Seriously though the "epidemic" happened 30-20 years ago with the heroin epidemic. Now we're just discovering and treating old cases.

Attached: 1568305185376.jpg (960x684, 91K)

Based pure Estonians

The pill

Seething Rusmonkeys

>mom, i replied to everyone
seething finno cuck

Tы ceбя этим тoжe пoзopишь, pacмyc

Seethee eesti

how is it possible that some rural russian have more children than rural mudslimes?

Yeah I just explained it, butthurt brainlet.

>russians have highest new cases of hiv
>estonia has large russian community
>90% of needle replacement facilities are in russian neighbourhoods
really charges my electrons

How is it not possible you incel freak?

because "le tough hach meme" is a meme forced by """""""westerners""""""""" online

>new cases of hiv
They're not new, they're newly diagnosed.
Also rent free lmao


>meanwhile scatvia has no cases
finno cuck cope

no u, priebalt chukhon slave

Cause their women are ugly and have mustache

>>meanwhile scatvia has no cases

Miks venelased alati oma sitaseid kuuruune igale poole torgivad?

Attached: 1558175375521.jpg (597x495, 26K)

Why do eestis have so much hiv?
We had the heroin epidemic. Are they gay hookers?

The future of Russia belongs to the Chechen

Attached: out-magazine-out-yesterday-at-11-30-am-the-situation-in-20700176.png (500x610, 97K)

>After a decade of continuous population growth, in 2018 Russia's population fell again.


Attached: r0932jr9023jr.png (1618x940, 213K)

Why are Russians soo dirty??

Yes we have HIV, you mad estcuck.

>lowest fertility rates
>highest HIV infection rates
>considers themself 1st world """superpower"""

Attached: 1481969511931.jpg (248x189, 18K)

they're very gay though, lmao

Why are Baltoids so cringe?
Not even Poles are this butthurt

>20 years later since 90's
can't be serious

Russians are the ones seething and being cringe, what are you on about, Chi?

do you expect anything different from a people who has never had their own country before. being butthurt is in their genes

>lowest fertility rates
Not really
>considers themself 1st world """superpower"""
Lol wat. We're second world and a great power, not a superpower. And Estonia is our cocksock.

Russians don't have significant control of Poland.
In the Baltics (and Balkans) the Russian influence is still very strong because a lot of ethnic Russians are still in the country.

From memory I think 1/4 Estonian citizens are ethnic Russians.
This creates hatred.

Do you have an argument perhaps?

I've met Balthurters and Poles who are so butthurt with Russia they welcome niggers and pakis with open arms provided the niggers and pakis LARP as balthurters/poles and say they hate Russians too.

>1 million population and dropping cause everyone's moving to finland and sweden
>a fucking QUARTER of the whole population sent to siberia and replaced

>this delusion
Butthurtbelt diaspoora pls.
This thread isn't even about them yet they barge in with their seething and butthurt about Russia like always.

Estonia and Latvia are 25% Russian and full of HIV.

Stop seething soo hard. Go back to your containment website.

What containment website would that be?

Next time do not tell me your HIV epidemic in Russia is a meme
Let's say HIV is a meme

That's would be really funny

Years of propaganda and inferiority complex.
cringe mutt, you're in the wrong thread

Proof that Irish are not white (and that's a good thing)


Sosachers are generally liberals who agree with you and shit on Russia though. They believe all the propaganda about how awesome the West is.

>may refer to Futaba channel, Japanese imageboard

Attached: Снимок экрана (218).png (1920x473, 90K)

It is a meme though. The actual epidemic happened decades ago. Lookup what an epidemic is.
The vast majority of the "new" cases are old cases being discovered now thanks to anew government program dealing with the issue.
Also why does it trigger you so much lmao? We're not even talking about your shithole yet, Gogi.

Das ist not true. Most of sosachers are cringe vatniks.

Not an argument
stopseething so hard, ebin creatura troll

Attached: 664.jpg (558x614, 18K)

>Today is opposite day

Sosachers are overwhelmingly self-hating faggots who have never traveled outside of Russia. I once had one try to tell me there were more shitskins in Moscow than London despite him never having left his country LOL.

Sosachers are cringe liberashkas mostly

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>Most of sosachers are cringe vatniks


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