How the FUCK am I supposed to get a qt3.14 Asian gf if I look like pic related?

How the FUCK am I supposed to get a qt3.14 Asian gf if I look like pic related?

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I'm a tall white dude and I don't have one either. It's suffering.

Are you rich? Do you have citizenship? Maybe you can get a desperate girl who wants to usa from a poor sea country

yeah but then the second she gets off the boat she'll just cuck me for some white chad

Why are you concerned about women when Indians/Pakis have arranged marriage?

Because Asian girls are superior to all other women, whereas Pajeetas look like literal goblinas.

just be a pajeet who looks like this. not some currycel
sorry bro, it's over for you if you looked like that, not even arranged brides would accept your proposal.

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As far as I know she needs to stay married for a while to convince authorities. At least you can fuck her for some time

less than 0.000001% of Pajeetoids look anything like that.

>Dude just look like the .2%!!!

money is the key to access the heart of any asian women,
that Indian guy gave to his vietnamese gf the last Iphone as gift last week, that one with 3 circles.

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major cope. there's millions of Indians out of 1300 million who look like that.

Prove it. Show us crowds where everyone looks like that, 1000 present minimum.

Get help, bro.

I was at the hospital today and one of the nurses was Indian. I wanted to fuck her brown ass.

>a fucking tea seller in Pakistan
>whiter than 60% of Americans

"w-whiter than you m-muhammad"


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>1300 million

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>Posts Iranians
We're talking about Pajeets ONLY.

pajeets can still be attractive

posting Pakis is cheating - most of them are of Iranic or Punjabi descent and thus technically Caucasian.

post actual Pajeets from Mumbai or Bangalore or whatever.

what's the point of attracting an asian woman through money?
i don't want to be some cuck beta provider while she's off fantasizing about chad and/or even fucking him on the side.

I'm Punjabi, "pajeets" include Punjabis, Kashmiris and even Pashtuns. There are literally as many Pashtuns living in India as living in Afghanistan.

India is massive in its range of diversity. We have African looking people too.

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