Do you guys think China will experience a downturn or a lost decade like Japan did sometime soon?

Do you guys think China will experience a downturn or a lost decade like Japan did sometime soon?

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No I don't think so. China is changing fast and I'm sure their developing is only at the beginning. Xi has the advantage that he can rule on chink companies with an iron fist. In Europe and in the USA it's almost the other way around. Companies rule the country

>entire economy is an unsustainable house of cards
>no innovative or creative capacities
>all tech is copied (stolen) from the West or Japan
>no real allies or partners in the international sphere

Any day now

Mutt cope

yes but not for a long time, 30-50 years

get out of my country, chink

They will eventually but it's going to happen to UK, Germany, South Korea etc. before China.

it's already happening in europe. gdp per capita has been flat in europe since 2008 and europe is on the brink of another major recession with all trade slowing down.

China will never overtake the US, economically, militarily, or technologically.
USA will be the top dog until either the creation of some sort of world government, or the apocalypse.

Maybe in the 90s that was true


it's even more true today

Probably. Americans destroyed Japanese economy in 1989 because they feared that Japs get too much uppity. Now you will make the same with China. But this may lead to new World War I think

Or culturally, Chinese already copied our culture because Mao destroyed theirs

We stabbed Japan in the back. The situation with China is different because china is well aware that america wants to destroy them.

On one hand, I feel like there is no free market of ideas, and therefore no possibility of innovation (after all they have to steal their tech to foreign companies). Also look at how they all cheat in universities.
On the other hand, with the rise of AI and computer only needing to be fed data, which the CCP has tons of thanks to their massive surveillance system, the computer will be able to innovate for them.

What culture did Mao destroy exactly? Foot binding? Some old buildings with names you can't even pronounce correctly?

>doesn't know how AI works

But enough about America


China isn't afraid of tariffs precisely because they know surrendering to mutts demands would be far worse.

Once the Chinese bubble bursts and their economy collapses, the most likely scenario is a repeat of what happened with the collapse of the USSR: a hypernationalist China centered around Beijing with breakaway states (Tibet, Xinjiang, Hong Kong, etc.)

>China isn't afraid of tariffs
they caved into Trump's demands like the submissive little bugmen they are once their economy actually started taking a hit

Most people in Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang don't even want to leave

Honestly? No

Please, teach me.

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In your deluded mind, maybe.
In the real world, they pretended to accept those demands, then when trump forbade them to buy iranian oil, dropped the facade and reversed everything.

>Most CCP plants in Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang don't even want to leave

Xinjiang is already 45% Han and rising. Tibet will eventually be majority Han. Thinking any provinces will break away is pure cope.

Growth is down everywhere.

>get out of my country, chink

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>If I keep repeating this to my self, i'll eventually believe it to be true

cope harder

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How did they brainwash all the qt Uighur girls into supporting China?

>crypto becomes main currency
>everyone else dumps dollar

Maybe no. The majority of Chinese people in the countryside are still poor workers or farmers who can’t afford to buy a car or electrical devices. China can develop if the government improves rural infrastructure and gives them opportunity to be wealthier.

>all these eurofags and diaspora chinks actually thinking that China will ever overtake the United States

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yeah but you forgot about petrodollar
so what about China?

hard to tell, but that giant aging population and abysmal birth rate are going to stall or crash it at some point.

If they succeed at developing their economy they can rely on immigrants to stave off decline.

They would need tens of millions, it'd cause a shitload of problems

if they had someone like deng xiaoping or they became democratic like taiwan then yeah china would have overtaken, but now with xi and even more dictatorship, yeah its over

massive cope, start learning mandarin

You cant learn it.

Why do you think becoming democratic would help their development? China is already extremely attractive to corporations.

>Devalue their currency to the point of that it hurts them
>Layoff workers instantly because of trade war
>steal from their ally RUSSIA military Su-33

didn't they just devalue Yuan to keep their trades afloat?
still the chinks have diversified their investments recently , contingency plans if you will , so we will need a full scale war to cripple and destroy the chinks and cause the inevitable balkanization ?

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Do you fuckers really listen to trump lies only and discard everything else?

China will likely take over the US at some point, but it will stagnate soon after that. The problem is that their population doesnt have the distribution of a developing country, but rather an extremely old or aging population, which is made even worse by a high male surplus (about 30 million men). This is normally only found in countries that are already in decline, and it means that any expansive ambitions abroad will be severely hindered. Besides that, a low birth rate usually also means a certain degree of pessimism about the future in the population.

there is a single reason why china will never have an economic crisis : here it is.

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as attractive as it is now, it would be literally at a minimum 5 times more attractive if it was democratic, all chinkoids who say china has never been better, have to understand it could have been even better, a lot lot better under a normal system, also dictatorships are unstable, sooner or later it will fall down and they will take you with them, thats why everyone is pulling money out, imagine how much more wealthy china could have been without CCP faggots at the helm

>at some point

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Im talking in general as a hyperpower, not just in raw economic numbers. Quite a lot of those numbers are dubious or unreliable as well, anyway.

PPP is worthless. If China does overtake the US as its projected to it'll only be because the retarded Americans sabotage themselves.



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>it would be literally at a minimum 5 times more attractive

How so?

>Being forced to sell your production to a state company because the state demands it
>Party can just confiscate everything you have in mainland china and you cant do anything about it

Can you guess why companies dont like this?


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because they don't understand morals or greater purpose ?

Yeah, that is the theory. In practice, the CPC only uses it if necessary, because they know very well that abusing it left and right would do no good and makes corporations leave China.

Why can you always tell something is a Wojak edit, no matter how much you fuck it up?

China is an underdeveloped behemoth. It will succeed even when it fails. Same with India.



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no because the system is retarded, who would you rather do business with North Korea or South Korea?
>implying they give a fuck
>implying they dont do it constantly
for some chinese companies its easier to fuck over 1 western shipment, get big bucks by sending garbage, then close the company down and make a new one and repeat ad infinitum

If I was dick tator of China I would let jap ppl like into the country to stimulate the economy. They would do a good job.

Will destroy anybody that calls me a race traitor. Dont do it.

Have a sneaking suspicion my Chinese waify might actually be an undercover japanese spy. She has an irrational loathing for koreans.

Democraps will win the 2020 election

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Also, I am pretty sure that companies prefer having a government being able to quickly give them infrastructures to a government were half of the public funds are wasted in expropriation procedures that take years.


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whats the point of infrastructure if your intellectual property and investment is at risk?

Yang 2020

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China needs several dollars of debt to create $1 of GDP growth.

IP is cancer anyways.


Everyone will experience a downturn.

As an accelerationist, I would actually be ok with this. Though I must say it was nice that Trump's election gave everyone an extra four years to prepare for the impending shitstorm.

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No, China is ruled by technocrats instead of tradition-obsessed old people.

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why is it always americans who fall for the NEETSoc meme

this is our board. gtfo invaders

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Yes, they are also quite similar to Japan's situation:
>fucked demographics and an aging population
>stagnating growth
>property bubble
>State-mandated banking policy

I don't think China will go bankrupt or anything, but yeah, their growth is going to slow to a crawl like Japan.

Mutt Cope

Yes it will

>I habe no idea what I am talking about
The pist

>anime reaction pic
every time

America is finished.

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>How so?
The only reason China receives foreign investment is because their population size is massive.
A socialist government that expropiates common property is an investor repellent.
Most foreign investment to China comes from screen enterprises in Hong Kong for this reason, and even then they're subject to State control and unfair practices.

The truth is, a country with the resources and population of China should be swimming on money, way more than they are now.

Damn Rothschilds constanrly shittalk China

did you forget their mighty alliance of Pakistan, Mynamar, North Korea, and Sudan? Chinese NATO economic superpower by 2020.

that's what Xi said!

2030 will be the year China becomes the world's largest economy as well as the most visited country. You can say that 2030 will mark the beginning of the Chinese century

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>then when trump forbade them to buy iranian oil, dropped the facade and reversed everything.

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North Korea is based though.

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I wonder why...

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I hope not, I don't know how to write simplified Hanzi

pollution is a serious problem in China,many analysts believe that they will pollute all of their drinking water in the next 20 years

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This and population is what will slow them down, they won't do anything wrong(unless they do, but I think it'su likely), and employment will remain high, they will just end up having to spend a lot of resources dealing with the consequences of growing this fast.