Is Jow Forums racist like Jow Forums?

is Jow Forums racist like Jow Forums?

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its much worse

Only the non-white countries are racist on Jow Forums

Nobody hates Mexico. Stop playing the victims, cunt.

Jow Forums hate racists (whites) that makes it more non racist

thats not what i asked, retard. kys

Yes. We hate wh*Toids here.

anti-white, yes

I'm an anti-racist gay lefty Bavaryan.

I hate muslims tho.

Most of Jow Forums is left leaning due to the diverse nature of the board, only generals have some racists but there is strong leftism there as well

I hate other chinks. So its not racist.

I have black friends even though I recognize that they're inferior to me.

yes we're racists, how did you know?

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>A lot of race obsessed incels posting
>Cumskins whining that Stacey don't want them even with their 'Aryan stud' status.
Yeah, I particular enjoy the threads of white people whining about being replaced or fantasizing about war or shit

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Yes but only against wh*Tes and gooks.

Leftism equals to retardation so are you saying this is the most retarded board?

We hate muslims

yes nigger.... now get outta this board FREAK,,, this is the white mans territory

No I don't think so. I don't browse Jow Forums anymore but it was pure retardation 3 years ago. Here sometimes I can have a decent conversation

Basierter linker Schwuler

More so

You are Jewish and NOT an anti-racist

>be El Salvadorian
>get shot

Don't trivialise violence sweatie

FUCK wh*tes

Jow Forums is much more racist than Jow Forums

deja vu. btw are you that guy?

Not really. We're only racist towards whites, nordics, mediterraneans, asians, indians, africans, polynesians, native americans, melanesians, latinos, arabs, turks, persians, siberians, aboriginals, tibetans, central asians, filipinos, jews, middle easterners, papuans, and maoris. Why do you ask?

not racist just need the foreigners out me country
simple as

Jow Forums was once a Jow Forums colony, until the Kara boga meme became popular so trolls started to hate wh*tes Jow Forums is the mexico and Jow Forums is spain

only ironically, and of course only against wh*Toids

Pretty much

Jow Forums has a lot of racism and sexual perversion. i quit now. this is my last post.

if you dont reply to this post ur gay

based turkey

haha gay

Yes, but here we only do it to keep the people without thick skin out.
Right, niggers?


There are two kinds of racism: thinking your race is best and thinking races exist. I think they exist

I have never met anyone in my life who doesn't think that races exist. Stop this meme please.

It is very real here. "Race is a social construct" "there is no such thing as white people" etc.. Incoming shitposts



"Che ¿a vos quien te conocé? ¿cuántos blancos tenés?"

>t.nargentino acomplejado

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When it comes to shitposting yes, when it comes to actual intellect this is one of the smartest boards. Everyone here is well versed when it comes to a variety of subjects and can speak more than 1 language but keep In mind, this is because they want to shitpost

This is a highly liberal board.

yes. We don't like whitoids like yourself here.

Jow Forums is only racist against whites so it's ok