Is this common in your country?

is this common in your country?

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Yes, except islam, we don't have many muslims here.

We are the lazy generation
No more standing out in line

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Reminder that she is a college drop out and her "book" is only like 80 pages long.

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i want to see her get BLACKED by Latino immigrants and Muslims

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She only dates white men because a Chicano bull broke her heart.

I thought she quit politics

cringe, yikes.

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>this is the state of conservative American intellectual discourse

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She's Canadian.

Canadia far right e-celebs are basically American.

Biyearly reminder that she is zoomer

>paying to read cringe you can read here daily for free

literally the same thing

Umm, sweetie, she dated a BASED BLACK MAN.

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dios mio...

i want to shoot that negro in the face

>pan-Western nationalism

No political discussion is more serious usually

>Fighting the globalists by becoming one


Didn't she was already BLACKED?

>Be Americlaps
>Spend 70 years with demonzing Hitler
>Want to acknowledge things that Hitler liked
>Can't because Hitler is literally worse than the devil
>Have to distance Hitler from his own ideology
I call this the catch of 88

reminder: libertarians are fucking retarded

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Can we consider cr*ollos "baby boomers"?, if not then no, because we don't have a persisting problem with immigration and muslims.

>not wanting to shoot every negro in the face