A 19-year-old Ukrainian citizen was brutally beaten by five perpetrators. Fortunately, two other men found him on the sidewalk of the unconscious, who brought help. Policemen have been looking for criminals since yesterday and call for help in finding them.
The incident occurred between 21.00 and 22.00 on Saturday, at Rybnicka Street. According to the victim's report, he was attacked by a group of five young men. First, one of them asked him about his citizenship, and when the 19-year-old confirmed that he was from Ukraine, men rushed at him.

The perpetrators beat and kicked the body of a 19-year-old, even when he was lying on the ground and losing consciousness. Unfortunately, when he awoke, the criminals fled the scene. Luckily, a beaten, bloody teenager was found by two other men who called the emergency number and called an ambulance.

A citizen of Ukraine was transported to a hospital, where he was assisted. On the second day, he informed law enforcement officers about the incident.,Policjanci-szukaja-sprawcow-pobicia-19-latka-z-Ukrainy.html

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This is how you repay hardworking Ukrainians? WTF is wrong with you?

fuck off, we are full

And Poles cry about being mistreated in UK

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Slav on Slav crime, huh.

why does everyone hate Ukranian?


It's the ukronigger's fault, he loved his Polish Pan's fists and boots so much he hit himself while trying to kiss them.

I mean based Poles
Around hohols never...get lost or smth
I m drunk and I think more hohols should be butchered in Poland

T. Mykola the toilet cleaner

Do Ukrainians emigrate to Russia in huge numbers?

Yes. They try to get as much benefits as possible while selling drugs

Yes,they are at first or second place of most common immigration source to Russia

a drunk oldish polish man came to my rescue one time, some other oldish polish dude started trying to fight me at a bus stop in chicago once and he was getting fucking pissed at me and i dont even know why, but the hero drunk polish dude came up and they drunkinly yelled at eachother in polish and the angry polish went "hmph" and walked away. then the hero drunk polish dude said to me in broken english "kawkaine got him, his wife hates him" (i think) and i shook his hand, got on the bus and never saw him again. love that guy

Well it could happen to anybody for any reason. He just got unlucky that he was Ukrainian, if they didn't like something about some Polish guy, they'd beat him up too.
I would say sorry, but I don't have anything to do with some bydlo sebas, so it's not my or my countrymen fault at all. He just happened to be in a wrong place in a wrong time. This type of behavior is not supported

>cleans your toilet with the power of voodoo.

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Ukrainians are gypsies well known

Sorry but if it makes you feel any better my dad recently saved the life of a drowning Ukrainian (he's a lifeguard)

Yeah we treat ukranians like cattle in our country too. It's very common for them to work for slave wages here and get the shit kicked out of them by young patriotic men in tracksuits

clearly those were German agents attempting D&C as always

now i'm gonna be happy everytime i see in the news that some british chav beat the shit out of some polack to death

Diaspora is easily recognisable

>literal Mexico of Europe, lots of economic migration
>treat Ukrainians migrating here like shit
>expect Western euros not to hate Polaks coming for money
I swear to fuck some of those hypocrites


Try harder néger all my parents and grandparents are ethnically Polish


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That is indeed deplorable, but Ukraine still has to apologise and condemn its crimes.


Self defence.

The massacres were caused by discrimination against Ukrainians in the Second Rzeczpospolita.

the fuck? are you hohols or just trolling?

I thought you meant Jow Forumsacks there for a second

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wtf is wrong with poles ?
Why do they hate every person from another country and every race or religion, truly the negros of europe as someone once said.

Hello I don't hate anyone from other race country or religion

We just hate everybody including themselves and want worst possible fate for every human person including ours

>we hate everybody
>including themselves
You alright there buddy?

Hey atleast they asked his nationality first

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kek even the sub 30iq subhuman sebostwo are learning on their mistakes

>retards denying genocide

It's just that it seems like most attacks based on origin comes from poland like this

Yeah retards be retards, at least people where I'm at are somewhat more open as even though I live in an actual village I had an Arab neighbour for couple of years and I don't believe he was ever assaulted in any way, hell most people really liked him because he took the effort to learn the language and helped some people learn English. I also remmeber him coming to my elementary school and talking about his home place, shame he moved out really

poish are well known for starting fights. This is what they live for.

>he moved out really
Probably got beaten up... ah i am just kidding, that's cool.

This is the crux of the matter so long as their government will deny or even insult the victims of Volhynia so long will hohols get randomly beaten up it's that simple.

why did he move out?

>Why do they hate every person from another country
Their last 3 centuries history is basically all their neighbors trying to wipe them out (and failing). That's why.


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you must be 18 to post here

Well he moved out to France so probably money and not wanting to live in a bumfuck nowhere village

What was his original country btw ?

I'm not 100% sure he moved out couple years ago but I think he was a nafri, probably Algieria or Tunisia

>implying Poland didn't do just as bad things under the table concerning Lwow

Except he didn't imply that. Why do denialists always deflect before any actual denial as if they think they will work?

such a shame. its always my dream to live in a peaceful village far away from civilization surrounded by friendly neighbor. i fucking hate city

Can poles stop lynching random people or is it engrained into their lifestyle at this point?

It's mostly nice except you still have to go to the city/bigger town to buy groceries, get education, do anything administration or law related etc, which is why I personally like towns around 10k the best.
Come to think of it I've seen one (1) black family in the town nearby couple times I hope they're still doing good, but at the same time I have no idea why would they come here

>russians trying to act high and mighty itt

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This desu, my friend got beaten up a few years ago simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time

Patologia should be gassed