Welcome to Culture Pals. Here autistic sperg losers used to meet equally autistic thots from developing nations like Russia (BASED) , China (yawn) and India (loos) for relationships so autistic even wouldn't bother with them. Seriously this thing/person is more of a female dog than debugging pointers in C using vim with no scripts. Want to discuss argentina? Want to discuss philosophy with an overweight Brazilian who got 0 onwww.freesites.gratisiqteste.com.br? Want to get dropped by turks with English so atrocious they make toddlers seem fluent? Want to be given the basic gestalt on boobs and soy by the resident mammary expert titman? Want to talk with/share qts with the Taliban? Want to banter koreaboos?
Here's an official guide for fellow girls on how to get married to the right man.
Countries to look for: Just what ever countries they message you, look for a rich man or Korean if you are that kind of an autist. All other countries are filth and scum, especially poor countries.
NEVER START CONVERSATIONS (for some reason they always end up better than convos started by a girl). Do not feed boring soibois with your questions, if he can't come up with anything he is either boring as fuck, not interested or low iq. Always just reply with boring one liners and try to be as passively rude as possible. Consider ghosting him after a few messages.
Have a basic bitch personality, enjoy travelling, netflix and food. Make him disclose his bank account balance within 3-4 weeks of talking with her outside IP, anything less than $120 000 is unacceptable, you are a princes and you deserve a true RICH prince.
Do not ask for nudes (at least in the first month or so), if he sends you them on her own etc he is a disgusting pervert, unless he has the Chad body.
Also be a gold digger and attention seeker and ask money from him and make him listen to your boring social drama concerning your exs and friends and family etc. If he can't afford flights to you, he is a broke boy and doesn’t deserve a true QUEEN.
Most importantly remember, it is hard to find the right person and the world is filled with dicks. Let as many guys talk to you as possible, ghost 99 % of them and only reply to Chads or ones who somehow mesmerized you on their first message.
Just noticed that it's a different pasta, lel. That said, gotta know the thot as to avoid her.
Landon Moore
Red flag for guys Learning:Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese Review:Anti-social, pedophile, incel creep
For girls Learning: Korean, Japanese Review: Ugly, fat, friendless, suicidal, photoshopped(too much) Often Sperging out on biography
Robert Perez
When your girl has left you out on the pavement (goodbye) Then your dreams fall apart at the seams Your reason for living's your reason for leaving Don't ask me what it means
Red flags for girls Learning: Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Arabic Desc: mentions racism, netlix, travelling, food, perverts, "I don't accept just hi" bullshit Pics: Is a nasty fucking thot or a fat pig
No need to spam the original now that it is in the op my friend :)
Charles Myers
>has a pic of herself pole dancing >no perverts please!!!
Fuck you dumb whore
Landon Roberts
Bump for ugly korean learning somalian girl
Carson Perez
i want to have kids with korean
Landon Cooper
Thank you, friend, for revealing how it works.
Tyler Gray
i want to steal her personality
Lucas Sanchez
I want her to steal my first kiss
Jose Ross
>open up with a light-hearted comment on how her name sounds a lot like a Portuguese name (literally 1 letter difference) >calls me a dumb fuck
wtf is wrong with w*men
Andrew Cox
getting he gun ready
Matthew Collins
I want to pass down my genes with a Slavic qt
Samuel Morgan
Duality of man, fren T. Still haven't lost the high after watching Full Metal Jacket
>Make her do an iq test within 3-4 weeks of talking with her outside IP, anything less than 120 is unacceptable, also don't get anyone smarter than you or you're in for a fucking ride of your life when you eventually argue about bullshit in your married life and she can hold up against you mentally. what if my iq is 115
Owen Cooper
Post texts from your qts
Brandon Watson
Ironic that siberian women have the warmest personalities in Russia
Angel Rivera
are you the guy that asked a russian for proof she's real? what happened?
Carson Baker
>qt I've been talking to suddenly removed Flirting & Romance from her profile
b-bros what does it mean
Daniel Perez
after flirting with you she gave up on romance with anyone forever
Evan Baker
The girl I asked for proof of was German, this Russian is someone else
Sebastian Bailey
I hope so, I thought that might've been a way of telling me to stop flirting
>Red flag for guys >Learning:Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese >Review:Anti-social, pedophile, incel creep well it still got me a qt
Christian Scott
What country?
Christopher Campbell
Bros can I just let off some steam here and say how much I fucking hate timezones. My 2 favorite qts which I managed to click with both have timezones in which they wake up just as I'm about to go to sleep
my only online friend is only an hour and a half behind me, I consider myself lucky
Christopher Powell
tfw so attention starved and friendless that I go for anyone that views my profile
David Murphy
You are, very. Most of my friends I chill and spend time with nowadays are only 1 hour ahead of me but I remember I used to mostly get along with Americans and it was hell
Justin Russell
>ww White womyn? Well, South Korea is the most americanized of the bugmen countries. Beggars can't be choosers, fren. That said, I'd rather advice you to learn to be alright with solitude. That way you can keep your standards.
My overall experience with Eastern qts was awful honestly, I got really lucky with Poland (the girls from there are sooooo kind and talkative) but Russians and Ukrainians seem to be really cold and unenthusiastic in conversations, I even ranted about it here a while ago actually. Then coincidentally shortly after that rant I meet this Russian qt who absolutely makes me take back everything I said, she's so nice but unlike the other nice girls I think this one's into me.
Benjamin Perez
you asked the russian qt for proof shes real, so what happened?
Asher Reed
Ryan Turner
>how do you say goodnight in Portuguese?
I haven't felt this warm in over 3 years
Angel Stewart
was she a new profile? was she real?
Elijah Young
Happy for you, fren.
Charles Brooks
The German? Yeah she was a new profile back when she first messaged me, only a few hours old. I don't know if she's real or not but I decided to say fuck it and just trust the girl after asking for further advice here and getting told I was being too paranoid
Juan Jenkins
but how do you say goodnight in Portuguese?
John Brown
And speaking of which, goodnight frens, it's late here.
I feel like a warm kind man all over again so I wish you all the very best Jow Forumsernational worldwide qts
Aiden Hall
Noapte bună, amice portughez.
Jordan Rodriguez
James Barnes
Andrew Powell
Colton Butler
Michael Perez
Michael Campbell
found out i have ONE hungarian ancestor
time to get that free citizenship and complementary wife
Ian Lopez
How do you not get nervous while talking to someone without offing yourself ?
Michael Price
in Mongolia?
Noah Brooks
I seem to get most of my views from eastern europe women but they never say anything how can I initiate them bros
Zachary Rivera
like on the phone? if you like the qt, the nervousness gets replaced with a different feel. but it takes a while before it becomes comfortable.
Jonathan Ortiz
fuck w*men
Juan Cook
the absolute state of m*ttoids
Kevin Nelson
How do I introduce myself?! I saw this girl on Interpals and I SIMPLY CANNOT stop thinking about her, just by seeing her pictures I get nervous as fuck, she appeared on my dreams for the second time in a row and I'm afraid that she will appear today again!!
Message something cheeky and funny that's relavent to something that she's put in her bio
Wyatt Brooks
Nigga you didn't even talk to this woman you are seeing dreams about her? Shes that hot? You are in the road for suicide my friend, never reveal to women that they have the upper position, they will fucking wipe the floors with your ass and destroy you emotionally. I hope the thot is just too hot for your standards so you don't end up having a actual conversation.
Eli Collins
send her a screenshot of your post.
Mason Peterson
you already fucked up by getting this invested, just shoot your shot but don't act desperate. don't be surprised if she's not interested, it's gonna suck for the next few days
Thomas Rivera
It's over for you, I'm afraid.
Alexander Perry
where do i find autistic qts on IP? all i see is basic trashy thots, and the few non-whores i find end up being crazy
Chase Long
I've been messaging this one qt for the past couple of days and we chat in paragraphs about various topics for a few hours at a time. Is this mean we've got a connection or maybe not. She's realy nice and cool, but I'm afraid I'm boring her.
>I'm afraid I'm boring her. Then stop being boring.
Adam Cooper
I can taste the bitterness from here
Juan Barnes
>She's realy nice and cool, but I'm afraid I'm boring her. just enjoy it while it's there don't worry about being boring. you end up not enjoying if you think about that a lot.
Chase Perez
Not worthy it, you already fantasized too much, even if it works out will probably be nothing like what you dreamed about. I mean try there is nothing to lose, but "get your little horse out of the rain" kek.
>mgtow Youll probably become one after you have had enough experiences with women with that naive attitude
Jayden Sullivan
>Shes that hot? There's nothing special about her appearance, she is probably a 6/10 for most people here, maybe less, but holy shit, she really got my attention. I... think that SHE is the one who is out of my league and that's what make everything harder because I don't want her to think that I'm "catfishing" her or forcing her unusual interests to please her even though we share the same hobbies and interests and stuff...
M-Maybe tomorrow I will talk to her haha, I sperged too much that I'm having a stomach ache haha
Anthony Fisher
Sounds like half the people in this general
Ayden Barnes
I've dated and hooked up quite a lot, I just have the mental fortitude to not become a bitter incel after bad experiences
Samuel Morales
keyword kpop or vocaloid
Xavier Young
You're not fooling anyone virgin
Owen Lee
going for a hair transplant in 2 weeks boys, wish me luck
John Murphy
Okay pal
Landon Cruz
Good luck friend :)
> There's nothing special about her appearance, she is probably a 6/10 for most people here, maybe less, but holy shit, she really got my attention. Hate when that happens t b h, but good on ya mate, hope she isn't a soulless thot like 99 % women.
Levi Ross
I've always been interested in this. So would this be the equivalent of something like dating online but without the coal, high standards and single mothers
Dominic Murphy
Koreans are the new black BVLLS who steal all the women.
Nathan Torres
all the (low iq and mentally ill) women
Jace Hill
lol true
Jackson Howard
xi, your people aren't any better if not worse. can you answer the rest of my question?