What is your honest opinion about Sweden?

Swedes seems to be a bunch of nice & funny Lads:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nice pic. Saved.

no culture and occupying rightful Finnish land

yep, lets totally make endless fun of this girl who is terrified of her future and not being able to have kids without sending them into hell on earth

Really stuck up in my experience

>yep, lets totally make endless fun of this girl who is terrified of her future and not being able to have kids without sending them into hell on earth

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Autistic limp wristed retards

carpe diem bro

lmao she lives in a first world country and pollute everything during her travels. She dosent know whar really suffering is about

fuck off aspie

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Silence Frenchie.

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Based Greta.
Fuck jew enablers.
Blood soil.

they're pretty cool desu

why would you think Jow Forums needs another thread about her?
check the catalog
I can't even escape her ugly face on /v/

C'est quoi cette connerie? She acts like this is like a fucking movie performance.

Stupid little cunt, stop trying to guilt trip, gosh. We know the world is in peril, Koyaanisqatsi came out 37 years ago and had literally the same message. Severn Suzuki gave this type of speech, less pathetic I might add, in 1992, 27 years ago. She "silenced" the world for 6 minutes then everyone went their way as usual. Like her Greta has done anything BUT actually helping the climate. She simply orders the politicians to do what she asks for instead of taking matters into her own hands. Why don't you and your followers take your precious time to actually do something like picking up trash, plant trees, save animals etc? You could stop buying products from overseas, never use the plane again, stop eating at McDonald's. There are plenty of opporturnities to save the climate (all while not doing it in front of the camera for good publicity, thank you very much).

All that nonsense reminds me about that speech from the Black Mirror episode 15 Million Merits. Much ado about nothing.

bots need to help steer the conversation into favouring the status quo
the fuckers are desperate and don't even know what to do anymore
right wingers are ecofascits
left wingers are ecoanarchists
the damage control is real, they don't need Jow Forums of all places siding with an autistic white girl. Imagine that. All they are reduced to is flooding Jow Forums with criticism about her looks in hopes it conditions people into dismissing her message. It doesn't necessarily turn people against her, their only hopes is that Jow Forums doesn't rally up behind her. Am I to believe some guy wasted hours of his life making grotesque pictures of an autistic white teenager? For free? I mean, zero pay? No money or reward for this? I'm sure some people are just really really deep into the lol she's weird ideology. Right. Right?

*see trump, load angry reaction.exe*
*trump spotted*
*starting angry reaction.exe*
*program succesfully started*
*victory achieved*

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what kind of retarded post is this
yeah, yeah, not going to macdonalds is going to create political pressure in the western world to make pollution a casus belli agaisnt India and China.

God forbids if a country that is not run by the USA has an atomic bomb that can kill a few million people, but countries melting the ice caps, starving billions of humans, creating migration "lol just stop eating the burger, kid"

What a stupid post.


holy shit that was painful to watch

Yeah I bet she takes one minute showers, recycles, only uses electronics for work and has never flown on a plane.

Every vid of her on youtube has masssive amount of dislikes, the sheer amount of butthurt she causes makes me actually like her

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yeah, i bet you think going on a diet means to stop eating food, that's why you never tried it.

they seem based

white men across the world reduced to seething tears by a single mongoloid teenager
very impressive

>very bad actor playing a dangerous fanatic

Point is she's a typical zoomer who does jack shit to save the environment besides bitching about it. The only difference between her and the rest is that the media gives her a podium.

don't they have white men in your country?

She's ugly and retarded.

>male autists
love hitler, dress up as girls
>female autists
save the fucking planet
why is our gender so shit, bros?

She should eat some meat or at least diary. Looking like that at 15 is not normal. I was almost complete grown at 15.

she's not terrified, she's asperger

>lol she's weird ideology
It's not an ideology. She's just weird, self-righteous, and generally unlikable. It's funny to mock her.

i don't know, do you think an individual can make any change at this point?

my opinion is a bit more radical and extremist, pollution should be a casus belli.
of course a radical moderate like you thinks Greta does too little, and a guy like me is scary unhindged fellow.
you're a moderate. you do nothing but bitching about people doing nothing but bitching about it.

he, Chris chan was funny to mock and took him a while to get traction.

I'm... I'm sure all this lol she's weird posting is natural. Just natural Jow Forums things. We dislike white autist girls, who complain about trickle down economics and perpetual economic growth in a ball.

Fuck dude, I didn't realize I was dealing with an extremist. Please don't hurt me, I'm sorry.

Why do Euros act like this isn't representative of them as a whole?

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why do americans need a 16 year old to tell them to start caring about the planet they live on
is it really so difficult to just have the slightest bit of empathy

She's been being shilled for by the American and British press for a few weeks now. This is mainstream news pushing its way onto here. The fact that they keep pushing a story that Americans simply don't seem to find compelling is what's more suspicious. I suspect that they expected the general American populace to like or pity her.

hehe just joking I'm not a radical or extremist at all
I'm a moderate, happy, well balanced and rational human being. Trust me, bitching and doing nothing about people bitching and doing nothing is silly.

I would do unspeakable things to her tight little body

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I don't read any post
the thing with climate change isn't something we can do as citizens, most pollutants come from heavy industries, plastic pollution comes from bad administration of trash then it ends in the oceans. everything she does right now is stupid but together maybe we can do something. the thing is, I don't want to be represented by an aspie kid

Fuck Sweden shit's fucking gay


Because the answer always seems to involve more government activity and more national sovereignty surrendered to supranational organizations.
Besides, it's fine where I am.

i am surrounded by swedes
at school at home
no escape

Why do slavniggers pretend to be European?

>haha I was just pretending to be retarded haha

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if governmental involvement is necessary to stop corporations from doing whatever they want then so be it, governments are meant to represent the will of it's citizens after all. this whole "gubmint = bad" is solely an american narrative anyways

epic response bro are you going to see that new joker film thats coming out soon

yeah, the media gets it that people are abandoning mainstream politics and moving to extremist ideologies. the far right and the far left both agree on the same thing, it's a safe ground for getting views and clicks.
The fact that americans still don't find the story compelling is also suspicious. I'm sure there was no shilling whatsoever for that. I mean, Americans are convinced to invade fuckbum nowhere in the middle of the desert, give up their privacy and rights because some brown guy doesn't want to use the petrodollar, waste billions of tax dollars on sand wars, but when it comes to climate, americans are well educated masters of their own opinion, which is their own and not shilled at all.

that's americans you stupid stupid fucking stupid idiot

>that's americans you stupid stupid fucking stupid idiot

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hade heemat sönder ditt liv

who the fuck worries about climate change when they're 16

well, perhaps there would be no need for more government acitvity if there was less capitalist activity, but here we are, the right pushing for more capitalist activity and the left going after them for killing people on "whoopsies" here and there.

There's a third way.

The will of our people is to not give a shit if the Maldives sinks.
If the government is getting in the way of me doing whatever I want, it's bad.
>The fact that americans still don't find the story compelling is also suspicious
She's really unlikable, and she's a child. Who, except for the supremely and smugly self-righteous, would want to be lectured by her?
Just look at that face. Yuck.

imagine the smell

I'm okay with some of those mistakes. I'm totally fine with Indonesians suffering.

>hade heemat sönder ditt liv

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>the thing with climate change isn't something we can do as citizens
of course you have to do it as a citizen. we aren't yet at the point where big business can impose something contrary to our rights, so it's really fucking important that we change that from now to never

why should i worry about climate change?

and to not give a fuck about more extreme weather phenomena
and to not give a fuck about your southern states becoming uninhabitable
but at least the government lets you keep your ar-15 yeehaw

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Idk, I've met only one irl. He was a bit weird, wouldn't look me in the eye when talking with him but otherwise he was cool. Said finland is like sweden without immigrants

what do you mean indonesians?
all your labour laws are government involvment, I'm glad they made the place you live a better place.


>southern states becoming uninhabitable
That's not going to happen. If Florida and Louisiana sink, I won't be crying.
>but at least the government lets you keep your ar-15 yeehaw
What does that have to do with the environment? You just couldn't help yourself, huh?

I was referring to industry's effect on the environment. I'm very okay with my smog killing muslims.

no i couldn't, like you seemingly can't acknowledge that your country will get fucked in the future and it WILL effect you, economically if not in any other ways

I'm reffering to industries effects on people.
God those retards would have us all work 16 hour shifts in they were allowed to.

Threads like this are why I stopped caring about other countries.
I may be an idiot, but I can still vote.

she delivered this speech as if it were a 13 year old in drama class reading his lines

We'll find a way to profit off of chaos and their suffering. We always do.
Our weather has always been extreme on this continent. Climate change models show much of the continental USA being far less affected than most other parts of the world.
Maybe climate change will disrupt the jet stream, and Europe will plunge into another ice age. That would be fun. Fuck your country, especially. I hope a series of massive avalanches erode Triglav into a modest hill. I hope Bled dries up, and its church burns down.

and i hope yellowstone erupts ASAP, ending your pretentious delusions of grandeur
the only thing you people are exceptional at is being psychopaths

Stop polluting the world with your ejaculation.
Every time you ejaculate, she cries

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>imagine the smell
fuck you

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If that happens, it's global extinction. At least my scenarios all benefit me, you retard. Yours is self-destructive.

Just remember, these psychopaths created and control the world in which you live. You might do better to be more respectful. Pleasing Americans can be very beneficial to a backwards little bohunk like yourself. Just ask your slavic Slavic sister, the former Miss Knavs, about that.

>leave lobbying to the oil men
national sovereignty is less important than the survival of humanity, if you want to see how important it really is see how much it is respected by the petroleum companies

Thunberg has done nothing wrong.
We need to execute oil and gas CEO's.

It's kinda nice but also kinda shit. It has a bunch of Swedes, for what its worth.

Good Swede ideas:
>free trade
>open borders with neighbors, both upper and middle income
>low corporate taxes
>low product market regulation
>multi-payer regional healthcare with controlled by present private component
>good schooling
>recognized that the common market of the EU was good but the common currency of the eurozone was a terrible idea

Bad Swede ideas:
>regressive consumption taxes
>welfare state is good but really too top heavy given how late people retire now
>didn't join NATO to bomb Slavs and Arabs, disgraceful, shame to their heritage
>"progressives" have too much power and act like pearl-clutching Christian soccer moms

>survival of humanity
If I get to have fun while it all burns, then I don't care. I'm not very sympathetic to the same humanity that has rejected me.

We need to execute dumbfucks who use apostrophes incorrectly.

That theatrical performance was really nice

Sorry honey but ya'll "grammar" is just a collonial construct designed to keep blak folx down sooo you're cancled


our policies on something so important shouldn't be decided based on your bitterness that comes from being an incel

this, they knowingly hired shills to lie about climate change, and now they scramble like vultures after the resources in the arctic that are uncovered by the melting ice,

I'm 34 and married. I'm just not very successful, and that's not fair. I'd like to watch you all suffer, like I have.

Based swede triggering the rightards

>is married
>humanity rejected me

feuk of witaoud.

That's not all there is to life, user. I'm not rich, which is an outrage.

>survival of humanity
I distinctly remember the climate alarmists 15 years screeching that New York would be underwater by now.
I'm not saying climate change is a hoax, I'm saying there's a *lot* of ulterior motives and goalpost-moving going on.

I want to migrate to Sweden as refugee.

the gulf stream works both ways you retard


idk man, I wouldnd trust a person called (((thun)))
sounds fishy to me


like what? who's paying for it and for what benefits?

>defending a 16 year old girl who's putting herself out in the public spotlight to spout her dogma
She is fully capable of taking any insults or criticism that come her way and it is for her to determine how to handle that.

Agreed. Why are people acting like teenagers don't shit talk each other on a daily basis? They're acting like Greta never called someone an idiot before, which I'm sure she has whenever the assburgers kicks in, and she goes mega sperg

I like her attitude.