Thoughts on Turkey?

Thoughts on Turkey?

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best country on earth

I want a turkish bf

Shithole, btw this girl is what actually represents the Turkish Phenotype.


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More like Turk-gay


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Looks pretty Turk to me!

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trans these days are looking more feminine
estrogen from plastics are doing good

She's Turkish not trans

Turks are biggest weeaboos I have ever seen

t. weeb

aren't they muslim? isn't anime haram?
are you muslim?

>Arent they muslim
>Anime is haram
>Are you muslim

>>Anime is haram
what a shitty religion

I got myself a turkish gf yesterday and I will die happy.
Cute, hijab wearing perfection
No one can rob me of the high im living off of right now

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How are her feet?

Very cute and kissable, i've checked.

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Imagine lying about getting a muslim gf.


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What's with that nose?

Me too man, me too

Me too.

disgusting. kys asap.