Listen bros my mom is going to kill me I lost 2 of her credit cards

She flew to greece for a few days.
She left some of her credit cards at home.
I took them without permission and went to restaurants.
Spent about 200$.
But two hours ago I went to a restaurant and lost 2 of her credit cards.
She is returning in about an hour with a taxi from the airport.

Attached: tenor.png (640x604, 237K)


Tell her the truth

You probably own a bank, so whats the deal?

Just manipulate the stock market what's the big deal user?

>Looks at flag
>Seeking help on this God forsaken site
Boy I cannot wait for a second Holocaust

Attached: 1565346586237.jpg (1013x1024, 107K)

How much of a subhuman you have to be to lose not one but two credit cards?
She can just call the bank and cancel it anyway but you are in trouble she might even sell your organs to get the money bank since you are all jews

You're Jew

Call your uncle Herschel Bergowitz who owns one of the banks the credit cards are under

I was going to say he could be a Haredi but they're too stupid to know how to use a computer.

So you used it without her permission? Dont you think she would notice a $200 bill she doesnt recognize

You need to be 18 or above to post on this site

El Salvador bringing the bants

Attached: Fuhrer_happening.jpg (400x387, 10K)

I took two in case one won't work and they both probably fell from my pocket.
I went back to the restaurant and looked around and asked the staff but no nothing.

tell her now so she can cancel them , you'll have it harder if someone finds them and use them

Tell her the truth, whats wrong with y-
>*sees flag*
Nigga you fucked

My mom earns a lot and spends a lot.
I assumed it will be "lost" in all of her monthly usage

tell your mom the truth

Have you lost both cards?

you're fucked bro, better fess up
how many meals did you get for 200 burgershekels?

It's over.

The only option for you now is to become a street thug.

How much did you eat to spend $200 at a restaurant? Did you pay for 5 people?

Because I took both with me in case one doesn't work.
They were in my pocket and must have fell when I went to the parking lor.
I came back and checked there someone must have taken it.

fuck off back to r*ddit or fxp with your le funny totally not fake story

No it was over 5 days every meal about 50$

Just get a goyim to take a loan with high interest and pay her back with the money you earn from it